CNTower 2020-7-9 21:37:21 Can you speak and write French?
Pouvez-vous parler et écrire le français?


CNTower 2020-7-9 21:39:18 Too general.
Are you alone or with family?
Which city and type of accommodation? Renting or buying ? driving or taking public transit......

Provide more details ....
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:39:50 文科? What major?
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:40:56 興趣班? What type? There may be rules and licensing requirements.
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:42:33 New Brunswick is fully bi-lingual. I can't speak a word in french and i have been here 46 years.
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:42:57 ownhouse 多數都有 small 花園喎
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:44:39 https://www.joewalsh.ca/canadian-non-resident-mortgage#:~:text=Because%20private%20mortgage%20lenders%20are%20basically%20providing%20a,residents%20than%20for%20Canadian%20citizens%20residing%20in%20Canada.
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:45:42 Let me know if you find it.
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:46:46 育空地區?
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:50:42 https://blog.leolist.cc/

CNTower 2020-7-9 21:52:38 見過好多次熊


CNTower 2020-7-9 21:54:40 我個女係文科, 然後讀 Law.
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:55:19 Money talks pussy opens
CNTower 2020-7-9 21:57:46 https://www.torontopearson.com/en/transportation-and-parking
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:00:02 你能禮貌一點嗎?
I use Google translate and may sound strange to some people.
Choice of words are sometimes limited and unintentional.
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:00:54 true.. but unavoidable
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:03:28 我在多倫多大學讀文科 然後去美國讀會計
礙國細力 2020-7-9 22:03:31 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:10:56 樓豬係支那仔?
支那仔都可以黃, Met a few here
香港仔都有藍. Seen so many here.
Yellow until proven Blue... (innocent until proven guilty)
樓豬 has no indication that he/she is Blue Yet..
I will block him/her when I determined that he/she is Blue.
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:17:56 Fairchild Radio and TV -新時代 好藍.

By the Way- 新時代? The name 觸犯了香港國家安全法?
Article 38 says the rules also apply to infractions that occur anywhere outside Hong Kong, committed by foreign citizens
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:19:17 https://canadaimmigrationcompany.com/spousal-sponsorship/outland-sponsorship/


CNTower 2020-7-9 22:20:44 I couldn't type Chinese at all. I use google translate. You are better than me
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:27:30 在多倫多,Markham 和 Richmond Hill 比較好的麵包
是龍島 (https://www.blogto.com/bakery/lucullus-bakery-markham/)

長谷川昭雄 2020-7-9 22:33:12 Vancouver 係咪Vancouverpearson.com

家庭團聚攞land紙入境 海關大概問啲咩
CNTower 2020-7-9 22:48:36 Forgot what 海關大概問啲咩- 47 years ago la.
我記得問到我帶多少錢? 我答三十蚊.


Questions for you
你會帶多少錢? 現金或匯票等

read these websites


