2017 DSE Bio 討論區(2)
呀肥 2017-4-23 04:59:01 最後衝刺喇各位


馬料水之友 2017-4-23 09:36:36 How to test or prove the character is sex linked ?
你的資訊很有用 2017-4-23 12:24:30
How to test or prove the character is sex linked ?

check Y 先
如果女人有姐唔係y linked
check x 就搵d sample 係呀媽有病 睇下個仔有冇病
因為個x chromosome 一定係from 呀媽
不過前提你要知係dominant 定recessive 先
你傻鳩呀 2017-4-23 13:16:38
2016 DSE MC Q12-13

2016 DSE MC Q24-25


2016 DSE MC Q27

2016 DSE MC Q35-36


你的資訊很有用 2017-4-23 13:20:02
2016 DSE MC Q12-13

2016 DSE MC Q24-25


2016 DSE MC Q27

2016 DSE MC Q35-36



B 錯 enzyme denatured at high temperature and inactivated in low temp
利申:2016 5**
你傻鳩呀 2017-4-23 13:22:43
2016 DSE MC Q12-13

2016 DSE MC Q24-25


2016 DSE MC Q27

2016 DSE MC Q35-36



B 錯 enzyme denatured at high temperature and inactivated in low temp
利申:2016 5**


呀肥 2017-4-23 13:34:49
How to test or prove the character is sex linked ?

I think it would be more helpful if you can think it through by yourself. See if you can try out the following question:

2011 AL Paper 2 Q.1(d)
In a family of four, both the father and the mother are normal but both their son and daughter suffer from a genetic disease. Without using genetic diagrams,
(i) deduce whether the genetic defect is a dominant trait or a recessive trait. (4 marks)
(ii) deduce whether the gene for the genetic defect is located on the X-chromosome. (4 marks)
高興 2017-4-23 14:11:54 Liver做完detoxification係咪將d urea 先運去heart然後先到kidney?
高興 2017-4-23 14:13:48 我想問下ultrafiltration 既glomerulus filtrate 點解冇lipid既?定係lipid太大柆過唔到?
馬料水之友 2017-4-23 14:23:54
How to test or prove the character is sex linked ?

I think it would be more helpful if you can think it through by yourself. See if you can try out the following question:

2011 AL Paper 2 Q.1(d)
In a family of four, both the father and the mother are normal but both their son and daughter suffer from a genetic disease. Without using genetic diagrams,
(i) deduce whether the genetic defect is a dominant trait or a recessive trait. (4 marks)
(ii) deduce whether the gene for the genetic defect is located on the X-chromosome. (4 marks)

(i )Son has genetic disease so he must bear at least one allele for genetic disease which is inherited from either mother or father.
So at least one of parents must bear one allele for genetic disease. Both parents are normal so they must bear at least one allele for normal condition. Thus at least one of parents is heterozygous, dominant character is expressed under heterozygous condition. Therefore , normal condition is dominant trait while genetic defect is recessive trait.

(ii) father has only one X chromosome and it will be inherited to his daughter. Mother will inherit her one of X chromosome to her daughter too.
The daughter has genetic defect so she must have homozygous recessive trait with bearing two recessive allele for genetic defect on both her X chromosomes. So recessive allele is located on X chromosome.
馬料水之友 2017-4-23 14:35:03
我想問下ultrafiltration 既glomerulus filtrate 點解冇lipid既?定係lipid太大柆過唔到?

Because the lipid is not present in the form of triglyceride or cholesterol in plasma they are transported by binding to proteins such as albumin and lipoproteins so proteins are too large


馬料水之友 2017-4-23 14:35:37
Liver做完detoxification係咪將d urea 先運去heart然後先到kidney?

恐龍蝦 2017-4-23 14:36:44 oxygen dept有咩好處?
高興 2017-4-23 14:40:20
我想問下ultrafiltration 既glomerulus filtrate 點解冇lipid既?定係lipid太大柆過唔到?

Because the lipid is not present in the form of triglyceride or cholesterol in plasma they are transported by binding to proteins such as albumin and lipoproteins so proteins are too large

is that out-c ?
馬料水之友 2017-4-23 14:40:21
oxygen dept有咩好處?

To obtain extra oxygen for breaking down lactic acid
馬料水之友 2017-4-23 14:40:49
我想問下ultrafiltration 既glomerulus filtrate 點解冇lipid既?定係lipid太大柆過唔到?

Because the lipid is not present in the form of triglyceride or cholesterol in plasma they are transported by binding to proteins such as albumin and lipoproteins so proteins are too large

is that out-c ?

U don't need to know lipoproteins
2017-4-23 15:04:50 其實" putrefaction" or " ammonifiation" 過程會放CO2 嗎?
2017-4-23 15:05:30
其實" putrefaction" or " ammonifiation" 過程會放CO2 嗎?

但ce mc 話呢個過程會放CO2....
Coutinho⚽⚽ 2017-4-23 15:08:58

係 全中
你概念ok 了



-> 同源染色體分離
-> 留低姐妹染色單體
-> 你其實細心諗,姐妹染色單體咪即係未變身前既父系或母系染色質
-> 所以我地就會話佢得「一份/一套」染色體 N

1. 得番父系/母系既姐妹染色單體

兩套指: 父系 母系兩款「結構遺傳上不同」既染色體





父系染色體(2條父系相同染色單體)與 母系染色體(2條母系相同染色單體) 一齊「排一齊」


但「點樣配對」:out c(我都唔太識)
-> 唔係隨機胡亂配



個排法 係咪姐係 父 父
母 母

咁排法? 定抑或係 父 母
父 母
Coutinho⚽⚽ 2017-4-23 15:09:48



-> 同源染色體分離
-> 留低姐妹染色單體
-> 你其實細心諗,姐妹染色單體咪即係未變身前既父系或母系染色質
-> 所以我地就會話佢得「一份/一套」染色體 N

1. 得番父系/母系既姐妹染色單體

兩套指: 父系 母系兩款「結構遺傳上不同」既染色體





父系染色體(2條父系相同染色單體)與 母系染色體(2條母系相同染色單體) 一齊「排一齊」


但「點樣配對」:out c(我都唔太識)
-> 唔係隨機胡亂配



個排法 係咪姐係
父 父
母 母

咁排法? 定抑或係
父 母
父 母
2017-4-23 15:15:42

-> 同源染色體分離
-> 留低姐妹染色單體
-> 你其實細心諗,姐妹染色單體咪即係未變身前既父系或母系染色質
-> 所以我地就會話佢得「一份/一套」染色體 N

1. 得番父系/母系既姐妹染色單體

兩套指: 父系 母系兩款「結構遺傳上不同」既染色體





父系染色體(2條父系相同染色單體)與 母系染色體(2條母系相同染色單體) 一齊「排一齊」


但「點樣配對」:out c(我都唔太識)
-> 唔係隨機胡亂配



個排法 係咪姐係
父 父
母 母

咁排法? 定抑或係
父 母
父 母

父父 母母 (假設咁排)

子細胞1. 父父(姐妹染色單體)
子細胞2. 母母(姐妹染色單體)

所以,基於同源染色體分離,ploidy at this stage 1N


深秋夜眠望上天 2017-4-23 15:30:31 終於要考了
飄塵 2017-4-23 16:07:08
其實" putrefaction" or " ammonifiation" 過程會放CO2 嗎?

但ce mc 話呢個過程會放CO2....

因為Decomposition 過程中, decomposer 做respiration 所以放CO2??
飄塵 2017-4-23 16:11:47
How to test or prove the character is sex linked ?

I think it would be more helpful if you can think it through by yourself. See if you can try out the following question:

2011 AL Paper 2 Q.1(d)
In a family of four, both the father and the mother are normal but both their son and daughter suffer from a genetic disease. Without using genetic diagrams,
(i) deduce whether the genetic defect is a dominant trait or a recessive trait. (4 marks)
(ii) deduce whether the gene for the genetic defect is located on the X-chromosome. (4 marks)

(i )Son has genetic disease so he must bear at least one allele for genetic disease which is inherited from either mother or father.
So at least one of parents must bear one allele for genetic disease. Both parents are normal so they must bear at least one allele for normal condition. Thus at least one of parents is heterozygous, dominant character is expressed under heterozygous condition. Therefore , normal condition is dominant trait while genetic defect is recessive trait.

(ii) father has only one X chromosome and it will be inherited to his daughter. Mother will inherit her one of X chromosome to her daughter too.
The daughter has genetic defect so she must have homozygous recessive trait with bearing two recessive allele for genetic defect on both her X chromosomes. So recessive allele is located on X chromosome.

(ii) 錯左,it should be located on an autosome as the father do not have the disease, he should have an X-chromosome with normal allele.
If the disease allele is located on X-chromosome, the father must have the disease because he is a male with only one X-chromosome.
Thinkingoutloud 2017-4-23 16:12:07 Aim3 有咩做