[2020DSE放榜討論區] 今年DSE既同我全部入哂黎!
blueeeeeeeee 2020-7-7 18:34:17 此回覆已被刪除


HeyBro 2020-7-7 18:44:10
毒撚奏鳴曲 2020-7-7 19:52:43 retaker lm
ヒストリア 2020-7-7 21:15:52 好驚tritake
清水灣壁球撚 2020-7-7 21:20:36 2020 JUPAS Main Round Offer Results

We regret that you have not been offered a place by any of the participating-institutions in the Main Round.

Your application may be further considered by individual participating-institution(s) in the Clearing Round for programmes WITHIN your selected programme choices for which you are qualified, if places are still available.

Please login onto your JUPAS account on 31 Aug 2020 (from 9:00 AM) to check the Clearing Round offer results, registration procedures and the related information.

If you receive an offer in the Clearing Round, you will also be informed by the JUPAS Office by email and by SMS message (if you choose to receive) of the offer results.

Please refer to the JUPAS website for further details.
街貓一隻 2020-7-7 22:14:51
淫賤汽水機 2020-7-7 22:16:07 留名
三大乞食先鋒 2020-7-7 22:24:34 屌你老母考中文比條八婆投訴我un腳,考8日有5日都同佢同一個班房考,明白咩叫冤家路窄

三大乞食先鋒 2020-7-7 22:26:10 八婆我祝你科科五星星中文U啊
三大乞食先鋒 2020-7-7 22:29:58 有啊
熊豆沙🐻 2020-7-7 22:30:19 你知依家大學改咗收生要求㗎何?


三大乞食先鋒 2020-7-7 22:31:09 淨係理科咁啫
熱朱古力奶 2020-7-7 22:36:55 個陣表現唔好
熱朱古力奶 2020-7-7 22:37:11 你報左咩科啊?
熱朱古力奶 2020-7-7 22:37:33 無事既!
項籍 2020-7-7 22:38:10 0 DSE放榜 尚餘時間仲有14日 10小時 2分鐘 52秒
jupas 放榜 尚餘時間仲有36日 10小時 2分鐘 52秒
2021dse 尚餘時間仲有262日 1小時 32分鐘 52秒
項籍 2020-7-7 22:38:54
香港加油bn 2020-7-7 22:39:39 可以準備retake
熱朱古力奶 2020-7-7 22:42:04 今年好多事發生
blueeeeeeeee 2020-7-7 22:44:43 此回覆已被刪除
17歲(冇女) 2020-7-7 22:46:53 此回覆已被刪除


成王敗寇 2020-7-7 23:28:10 2019 dse lm
Claire.Redfield 2020-7-8 00:11:46 此回覆已被刪除
孤憤 2020-7-8 00:16:14 咩科 engine science 就算把啦
會考都無C 2020-7-8 00:26:09