『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(90) 睇頂置 HMPO簽收後60個工作天內更新
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:23:23 我都覺呀 當初我都bypass過 又要補文件 點知宜家又黎多獲 真係殺我一個措手不及


黑警(黑雨警告) 2020-7-6 19:26:51 岩岩收到佢email黎追我交文件
但其實25/6 fedex顯示已簽收
酸民治日鮮 2020-7-6 19:27:26 IT狗就畀錢入會啦,入咗會變專業人士,搞掂。
就算你壯闊胸膛 2020-7-6 19:27:59 真係收緊真係大大大大大鑊....我身邊大把親戚朋友都未續
所記 2020-7-6 19:29:13 我覺得個別PE ,唔好嚇自己先!
MLB 2020-7-6 19:29:14 我都唔知個朋友有冇入會個d
東方日賣百份報 2020-7-6 19:29:30
所記 2020-7-6 19:29:41 ......by pass
薛凱琪_趕 2020-7-6 19:33:53
JHbb 2020-7-6 19:37:27
醜婦終須變家翁 2020-7-6 19:38:12 佢第一次交文件無交過


奶水達人 2020-7-6 19:40:51
所記 2020-7-6 19:41:11 如果係無交副署,真係自己玩死自己!最驚玩到全面收緊,就真係累街坊了!
米谷奈々未 2020-7-6 19:42:53
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:50:45 係呀 第一次無交 之後補返 宜家係又要再簽
所記 2020-7-6 19:54:37 第二次你係寄去定電郵交?
葉子誠 2020-7-6 19:54:40
MLB 2020-7-6 19:55:26
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:55:46 佢原來有講

We need a countersignature because:
- when the examiner compared your old and new passport photos, they didn't recognise you - your appearance has changed too much.
The attached form states that the countersignatory must hold a UK or Irish passport. This is for UK applications only. We can accept UK, Irish, EU, Commonwealth and US passport holders for applications made from outside of the UK.
Please note: If the countersignatory does not hold a UK or Irish passport they must provide a colour copy of the details page from their EU, US or Commonwealth passport.
哈蜜瓜醬 2020-7-6 19:58:35
對方輸入中 2020-7-6 20:02:17


MLB 2020-7-6 20:03:15 呢段似係講緊你第一次冇交副簽 要求你補交個陣 ?
花信年華 2020-7-6 20:05:34
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 20:05:38 唔係呀 係宜家呀
所記 2020-7-6 20:07:56 你問清楚衰邊瓣先啦?你之前寄去定電郵俾PE ?所以我問你個副署人有無填錯咗護照號碼囉。