『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(90) 睇頂置 HMPO簽收後60個工作天內更新
az-687 2020-7-6 19:00:26


NCRarcadia 2020-7-6 19:03:56 佢Passport 係咩
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:05:43 我個fd一年前續左呀
新界南佳也 2020-7-6 19:07:34 網上填完申請表?大約幾時會寄 email
酸民治日鮮 2020-7-6 19:07:47 佢有無話你個副署人唔合資格?
SpreadUrWing 2020-7-6 19:10:38 我記得一日就收email要資料
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:11:45 You need to ask someone to fill in and sign a form to confirm your identity. This is known as getting a countersignature.

We've posted a form to you.

Your application will be kept on hold until you are able to send us your completed countersignature form.

What you need to do

Find out who you can ask to countersign your passport application: https://www.gov.uk/countersigning-passport-applications

If someone has already confirmed your identity for this passport application, ask a different person this time.

After they've filled in and signed the form, return it to us.

我諗bank staff都唔合啦....
所記 2020-7-6 19:12:06 你係收到另一封電郵叫你搵過?你有無問hmpo你位朋友咩原因唔過先?你位朋友持有有效指定國家護照嗎?
醜婦終須變家翁 2020-7-6 19:13:56 你個進度update係咪processing緊先?
如果你啱啱先寄過去 就唔使理呢封e mail 架la
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:14:41 係呀 佢email話我知同埋比張form我 未問呀 我都係岩岩先收到 我朋友有特區同bno呀
酸民治日鮮 2020-7-6 19:14:57 If someone has already confirmed your identity for this passport application, ask a different person this time.



嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:14:58 唔係呀 一個月嫁啦
薛凱琪_趕 2020-7-6 19:15:24 你係lost passport 定有舊passport ??
你個bank staff 揸咩passport?
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:15:30 會好遠呀 因為舊嗰本個樣係小朋友
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:16:16 有舊passport呀
醜婦終須變家翁 2020-7-6 19:17:12 一個月無用架喎
人地staff update左收到你文件未先?
酸民治日鮮 2020-7-6 19:17:45 咁可能佢想搵多個人證明你真係持證人
薛凱琪_趕 2020-7-6 19:17:58 如果你冇尻吹既話
咁好大鑊 好多冇專業資格既bno副簽都收皮。。。
所記 2020-7-6 19:18:09 唔係,你應該電郵問返佢哋咩事先,你首先話已經連文件寄咗俾佢哋,問佢哋收唔收到先,如果收到,你就問邊一個地方唔合資格?因為你都要搵合資格人士吖嘛!有人試過PE 唔接受同學關係,但改填朋友又無事!因為佢呢位朋友幫簽無數人,從來無問題!所以有時唔係你朋友嘅原因,而係PE 判斷有問題!你問清楚原因,上嚟再報告,我哋齊齊拆掂佢!
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:18:22 收到嫁啦 所以佢而家肯定係想要多一個簽名
嗯哼大王 2020-7-6 19:19:07 好呀 多謝你地幫助呀!


所記 2020-7-6 19:19:19 會唔會填錯佢bno no之類?
所記 2020-7-6 19:21:46 一定要問清楚原因,唔可以不明不白,因為好多人未續,如果真係收緊就真係大大鑊!等啲人仲話by pass副署吖嗱!
MLB 2020-7-6 19:21:55
薛凱琪_趕 2020-7-6 19:23:09 我擔心真係收緊左。。。。。。