LIHKG [佐回歸沵懷抱] 車路士球迷暨黑警死全家支那滅黨討論區
七成熟 2020-7-7 07:58:37 係咁既話要尼迪迪仲好


七成熟 2020-7-7 08:00:52 要唒都唔係貴
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-7 08:23:33 Lampard談論中場人選
- prefer中場同時能夠前插/靠邊/防守
- Mount最符合以上特質
- 有時會指示Mount逗深d拎波
- Barkley, Kovacic, Loftus-Cheek, Gilmour, Kante可以做到Mount呢個角色
- Jorginho都可以 但佢整個生涯踢開既位置都係偏後
- 鍾意中場多d變化同流動性 為對手帶來威脅

“Generally, with the midfield, I do like midfield players who can perform, not all the roles but can play high, can play on the side, can do the defensive duties and Mason really has that.

“His work off the ball is fantastic for us and if I feel like getting him high up the pitch to put more pressure on the other team if they want to play out, that can help us off the ball.

Sometimes I’ll ask him to do a slightly different role with the ball where he comes deeper to make sure he’s not missing out on the ball because he’s a good player and needs to be on the ball deeper. Himself and Ross [Barkley] can perform that kind of role.

“Kovacic can perform that kind of role. Ruben Loftus-Cheek can perform that kind of role. N’Golo Kante can perform that kind of role. Billy Gilmour can. Jorginho also can but his role predominantly in his career has been from a deeper position.

“I had those good problems within the team. I like to work on the midfield, making it as fluid as it possibly can be so we give teams problems.
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-7 08:23:58 咁講法
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-7 08:25:56 Lampard:
三俘 2020-7-7 08:26:24 下年歐國盃
Gronkjaer 2020-7-7 08:27:50 講禁多 林伯最想要既咪三個自己踢哂條中場
伊登夏殺 2020-7-7 08:28:54 今晚會唔會有幸見佢踢簡迪個位

伊登夏殺 2020-7-7 08:30:21 係 單一能力既中場已成condom
伊登夏殺 2020-7-7 08:33:27 其實都係好事 中場三個如果可以不停互換位置 可以拉散大巴
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-7 08:33:35 Kai消息總結:




特别的一個 2020-7-7 08:37:54 其實隊隊強隊都有個類似佐既角色
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-7 08:38:23 Tomori有可能被外借
伊登夏殺 2020-7-7 08:45:58 但係你講果幾個 係有能力有end product

佢數據上面冇做到 但個能力係係到 射別係禁區外射門
高 佐有佢地特別強既地方 但能力真係單一
RomanAbramovich 2020-7-7 08:47:00 林伯肯定覺得mount都做到佐仔嘅嘢
追夢的青頭 2020-7-7 08:51:37 亦都無強隊正選翼鋒咁低入球率同助攻
FrankLampard_BB 2020-7-7 08:53:11 點都要買到人先借掛?
FrankLampard_BB 2020-7-7 08:56:05 Finishing太低係我地呢2季既問題
不快則慢 2020-7-7 08:57:45 佢借就應該買中堅


伊登夏殺 2020-7-7 09:02:11 我地miss big chance好似top 1-2
七海みなみ 2020-7-7 09:05:35 真係唔買前鋒?
不快則慢 2020-7-7 09:06:05 咪買左
RomanAbramovich 2020-7-7 09:06:16 on9