LIHKG [佐回歸沵懷抱] 車路士球迷暨黑警死全家支那滅黨討論區
Seisdostres 2020-7-6 18:43:38 咪又係得一場


奧斯爾BB 2020-7-6 18:43:59 點都要搏架啦
奧斯爾BB 2020-7-6 18:45:22 首回合唔係佐狗都未必失波先
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-6 18:45:24
Antonio Conte is still not available to reporters after the game. The reason is that he is in the dressing room (for over an hour now) to confront the players after the brutal loss today. Giuseppe Marotta, Inter CEO, is also present.

一串侵侵一鑊金 2020-7-6 18:47:26 干爺未買到plan a 姐
奧斯爾BB 2020-7-6 18:47:43 跟干狗踢波慘撚過做狗
Hanako 2020-7-6 18:48:57 舊年煙狗輸6球都鬧咗成粒鐘
Seisdostres 2020-7-6 18:49:08 唔夠祖記黎都理解到
拉素都甩佢四分 正係識音樂比利同sms
下場再失分 阿特蘭大都上埋黎
奧斯爾BB 2020-7-6 18:49:14 意大利狗
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-6 18:49:21 睇news見到Conte d target仲係Vidal , Dzeko
Seisdostres 2020-7-6 18:49:50


上野的風 2020-7-6 18:50:37
奧斯爾BB 2020-7-6 18:51:41 回晒塘啦搞乜
叫我手足就得 2020-7-6 18:51:44 覺得干好有信念 就算去邊都想完一個Vidal Dzeko 夢
豬油巴 2020-7-6 18:54:58 CLS
T-ara世界第一 2020-7-6 18:57:53 退休啦下話
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-6 18:58:36 干SIR 11月歐聯輸波 已經鬧高層唔買人
直接話Barella 同 Sensi兩位意大利新星無料到 係細球會加盟

“We have too limited a squad to face both Serie A and Champions League football this season. I mean limited both in terms of numbers and quality.

“Some players have to be on the field constantly and in the long run, you do pay for that. I am furious, because this cancels out all the good work."

"I am not asking the club for anything, these are the players and we go into battle with these players. The club will make its evaluations, I am just saying all of us got it badly wrong when planning for this season.

“We are talking about a group of players who, apart from Godin, haven't won anything. It's difficult then to deal with a tough situation.

Who do I call on? Nicolò Barella, who we signed from Cagliari? Or Stefano Sensi, who arrived from Sassuolo? I will always thank the players for giving their heart and soul, and I know that I am asking for the kind of strain that some find it difficult to deal with.
WillianBB 2020-7-6 18:59:21 我地巴仔咪打通左全隊,解決中前場入球問題,黑短人唔使比人屌妹下妹下,唔使入禁區
巴仔 = bruno
豬油巴 2020-7-6 18:59:35 CLS 個性格仲係咁
T-ara世界第一 2020-7-6 19:02:25 我轟bakayoko同drinkwater有豐富歐聯+英超冠軍經驗
亞發外父 2020-7-6 19:03:29 羊都係咁買 怕咩老


亞發外父 2020-7-6 19:04:11 Barella 同 Sensi明明係好野
靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-6 19:04:41 佢1月叫國米買target man
Llorente, Giroud, Dzeko
hold 2020-7-6 19:06:58 Sensi都冇料?

靜鷹鷹鷹 2020-7-6 19:08:46 干sir - 軍訓 + 放負
沙sir - 重重覆覆無新意 + 奇怪規矩