Netflix Dark 第三季集中討論區 (3)
強者 2020-7-5 14:19:41 致沒有溫登的世界


冰凍奶茶 2020-7-5 14:33:24 成班人都有血緣關係,好彩無人check
牙痛不是病 2020-7-5 14:42:01 Doppler = Double
第二季揭開了Doppler家族的驚人秘密,Charlotte自細有祖父H.G. Tannhaus養大,但一直都不知道自己的親生父母是誰。但Charlotte偶然發現自己的女兒Elizabeth竟然穿越過去,並跟諾亞(Noah)誕下了Charlotte。換句話講,Elisabeth和Charlotte互相是大家的女兒和母親,而姓氏Doppler在德文是「Double」的意思,來代表兩人的雙重身份。

劇中的人物角色及地方都各有意思,某些名字更是特別重要,比如對故事發展及穿越之旅有着重要地位的鐘錶匠H.G. Tannhaus,其實是向著名小說《The Time Machine》作家H.G. Wells在流行文化中提倡了穿越時空的說法致敬,而劇中經常出現的《Eine Reise durch die Zeit》(穿越時空的旅程),竟然因劇集爆紅而特別於今年1月出版,令故事其中一個細節,由虛構的事變成實體。
強者 2020-7-5 14:44:48
冰凍奶茶 2020-7-5 14:52:06 人物太多,開始面盲
FukDaPopo 2020-7-5 15:12:32 教識我地讀書嘅重要性

中出林檎 2020-7-5 15:29:40 全劇最冇爭議

滄笙踏歌 2020-7-5 15:59:39 原本以為個變性人會跟住predestination咁玩
發夢王李大有 2020-7-5 16:36:16 條penny 究竟有咩意義?
牙痛不是病 2020-7-5 17:00:26 證明屍體1986年黎
發夢王李大有 2020-7-5 17:03:56 點解要幫d細路戴條penny?
畀提示d有 有時間旅行?


佳口柚洛 2020-7-5 17:33:38 S3第一集一開始個November 鏡像書寫已經為之後劇情比左hins
滄笙踏歌 2020-7-5 17:44:20 世界觀暫時見有幾個解釋,邊個最啱心水

1. Claudia係母體的數據錯誤(Glitch in the Matrix)
世界run到咁上下 有malfunction,出現極低機率既bug

2. 源世界= 大loop,W1W2= 細loop
Claudia 都有創造Reality:同Adam 對話;不對話
喺同Claudia 有對話既Reality
Adam 亦創造新Reality:帶走 Jonas
結果每次都有喺源世界創造 Reality:兒媳得救
即係 Jonas Martha 永遠輪迴
論據:determinism - 衣櫃見到時空隧道,以前係見過
駁論:時空隧道存在於時間空間之外;源世界時間係單一線性(兒媳死>Loop>兒媳得救),成功改寫歷史;結局既處理方式、Hannah既獨白明顯有心想係loop 終於完結 既Happy ending

3. Claudia 不斷嘗試
最後一次loop ,Claudia 終於創造Reality:同Adam 對話;不對話
Adam 亦創造新Reality:帶走 Jonas,破loop
論據: Claudia 有無數次機會失敗&學習,知識不斷積累(Just like you, I moved pieces around the chessboard, and had to look on as everything happened over and over again.);同Adam 對話似上帝視角 (I lied to you and to Eva. But the knot had to be upheld. I had to ensure that you both stayed in the dark. That everyone in this knot stayed in the dark. First, everything had to happen the way it always has in your world and in her world. Every step in this labyrinth had to be taken as it had been before.)
(But just like you and Eva, I had to preserve everything in order to become what I am today. Just like you, I've brought pain and suffering to others, again and again, so that my path could lead me here to you today.)
駁論:Determinism - 所有行為都被loop綁定;同Adam 對話 一下段又似無法改變 (An infinite chain of cause and effect that leads us all in both worlds to our same fate over and over again. We have no free will to act in either world. We will forever do what we have always done before. No fate in one world is better than the other. As long as the knot exists, in both worlds we are damned to feel and cause every bit of suffering anew. There is no difference between the two worlds. Thing may not happen in the same way or at the same time, but they do happen. No one in this knot can escape their fate.)

4. 源世界有兩個Reality,直至Observer 觀測:A- 兒媳得救& B- 兒媳死亡
Adam 兩個Reality:冇帶走& 帶走 Jonas 係set好
論據:薛定諤的貓(W1W2 都有reality,源世界都可以有)
駁論:不接受Observer為觀眾;A既存在要依賴B;次序 要先觀測B後觀測A,不能逆轉;觀測完B後 冇得逆轉
跳樓跳舞跳跳虎 2020-7-5 18:15:36 此回覆已被刪除
維民所止 2020-7-5 18:26:57 我個陣都係咁諗
跳樓跳舞跳跳虎 2020-7-5 18:31:31 此回覆已被刪除
內聖外王 2020-7-5 19:29:02

あかさたな 2020-7-5 19:39:23 想問下多唔多嚇人/恐怖畫面
發夢王李大有 2020-7-5 19:53:42 Woller 搞笑角
瘦過肥妹 2020-7-5 20:17:52 入嚟留名
追到s3 cp4
文隼 2020-7-5 20:21:12 隻狗都有份


龜靈高 2020-7-5 20:42:32
中出林檎 2020-7-5 20:51:21 唔係驚慄/恐怖片,應該歸類做 sci-fi / 哲學片

牙痛不是病 2020-7-5 20:55:05
發夢王李大有 2020-7-5 20:57:45 佢塊面係電到咁
定time travel?