Netflix Dark 第三季集中討論區 (3)
強者 2020-7-3 22:58:22 想知臨尾一講到警察隻眼點解傷左 就即刻成個天暗晒


tesla 2020-7-3 23:33:22 此回覆已被刪除
禿髮加藤鷹 2020-7-3 23:39:22 原來w1 w2 既Jones 同 martha 都死左

禿髮加藤鷹 2020-7-3 23:39:53 如果
tesla 2020-7-3 23:56:19 此回覆已被刪除
醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:00:08 最正係Nena 1984年 首 irgendwie irgendwo irgendwann (anywhere, anyplace, anytime)<--好撚貼題
醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:06:28 In joke 嚟, 每次個警察想解釋點受傷就會被人打斷講唔到
文隼 2020-7-4 00:08:24 次次見到個單眼佬都想笑

醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:08:49 好正嘅 fan-art
馮葆琪 2020-7-4 00:10:29 首I ran so far away 都係歌詞勁match jonass
遇上同愛上Martha 但佢走咗去(錫完佢消失咗幾日)
最後終於可以同Martha 一齊嘅時候大家一齊slowly disappears

I walk along the avenue
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Meet a girl like you
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
You hypnotize me through
And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away
A cloud appears above your head
A beam of light comes shining down on you
Shining down on you
The cloud is moving nearer still
Aurora Borealis comes in view
Aurora comes in view
And I ran
I ran so far away
I just ran
I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away
Reached out a hand to touch your face
You're slowly disappearing…
神威 2020-7-4 00:16:50 變咗Stranger's Things風格


醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:17:12 你講依首又係好撚正

1. Agnes Obel-Familiar (低音男聲都係個女主音唱
2. Fever Ray- Keep The Streets Empty For Me
中出林檎 2020-7-4 00:24:45 低音男聲都係個女主音唱


醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:27:24 我本身都唔覺, 直至睇live
TOP 2020-7-4 00:37:55 Jonas屋企張全家照有冇講點解會撕走Iens?
喵少年 2020-7-4 00:44:55 問個低能問題
醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:45:59 應該係婆媳關係差, S1 Hannah 有打電話屌過 Ines 要收屋就收屋 唔好搞埋Cut 電咁仆街嘅嘢, 又屌 Ines
連 Jonas 都唔肯見。
醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 00:54:35
馮葆琪 2020-7-4 01:07:55 Eva/Martha因為母愛爆發想兔唇仔出到世唔好死所以想個loop繼續
而Adam/Jonas係想破loop但係佢唔知道佢條path 係想破loop=維持個loop
醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 01:21:30
兵者,詭道也 2020-7-4 01:56:12 殺Noah 個係咪佢個妹??
點解佢個妹要聽adam 講同埋點解要突然失蹤?


醫觀琴秀 2020-7-4 02:51:12 德國Netflix 派 fan-made posters



文隼 2020-7-4 03:01:51
Sherlocked 2020-7-4 05:15:17 所以套劇都探討人係咪真係有free will,主角少年同中年都一直想斷個loop,以為自己做緊一d同Adam當年唔一樣嘅事
牙痛不是病 2020-7-4 06:28:28 有冇講過第一季中年noah背隻點解有痕?