[利物浦萬歲 ,FSG死全家]曼城 對 利物浦 8
裴珠泫 2020-7-4 21:01:38 Liverpool have agreed personal terms with Thiago Alcántara.

Bid to Bayern to be tabled in next days: approx 35m€, Liverpool wanting to get 30m€ + 5m€ bonus


軒達臣愛助攻 2020-7-4 21:02:06 According to @tancredipalmeri Liverpool have agreed personal terms with Thiago. Also states €35M bid due to Bayern in next few days, Liverpool wants to pay €30M + €5M bonuses.
Klopp_lfc 2020-7-4 21:04:12
冇頭髮賓奴 2020-7-4 21:04:16 把撚咩
Blackmamba. 2020-7-4 21:05:04 又講啲婆媽價
沙基利物浦 2020-7-4 21:05:09 唔知下個改造邊個踢左閘
冇頭髮賓奴 2020-7-4 21:06:24 67
Ryan健牌 2020-7-4 21:06:34 中場有世一加世三
阿叔(P牌司機) 2020-7-4 21:08:07
StevieG 2020-7-4 21:09:18 唉屌球迷夾啦 麻撚煩
夜神裕一郎 2020-7-4 21:10:43


冇頭髮賓奴 2020-7-4 21:11:11 中堅世一 LOVREN
Klopp_lfc 2020-7-4 21:12:06
阿叔(P牌司機) 2020-7-4 21:12:42 Seed/code
StevieG 2020-7-4 21:12:46 1001
樂子 2020-7-4 21:12:48 施主
熱血軒達臣 2020-7-4 21:13:17
米啦米奴(股東) 2020-7-4 21:13:30 Fsg死全家
米啦米奴(股東) 2020-7-4 21:13:59 股東死全家
米啦米奴(股東) 2020-7-4 21:14:16 Kop end 含撚
Klopp_lfc 2020-7-4 21:14:26


倉野尾成美 2020-7-4 21:14:41 叫春無前途
Klopp_lfc 2020-7-4 21:14:42
Blackmamba. 2020-7-4 21:14:54
米啦米奴(股東) 2020-7-4 21:15:16 會員白銀輝夜(高普嗲哋)屌死你班死利狗