LIHKG 屌你老母英文版呢
瑪莎拉蒂 2020-7-1 00:01:44 同大陸接軌 遲下啲英文用中文拼音就ok


藍絲(沉默) 2020-7-1 00:02:19 笑咗
狂風掃浪蝶 2020-7-1 00:04:20 英文版:translate server error
hksnowball 2020-7-1 00:04:23 七婆簽嘅時候都有英文版
four-leaf 2020-7-1 00:04:42 此回覆已被刪除
789噏大師 2020-7-1 00:04:44 此回覆已被刪除
百佳誠哥 2020-7-1 00:04:44 咁滑稽,要譯好耐
captainhot 2020-7-1 00:05:29 最驚佢英文版玩語言偽術
又關我事 2020-7-1 00:06:37 得第一頁係英文
大笨象工程 2020-7-1 00:06:43 你唔係期望班大陸人會寫左英文先掛
一頭雪水 2020-7-1 00:07:26 支那: 美國睇唔明就唔會制裁


James_Milner 2020-7-1 00:07:54 呢份野中文都詞不達意啦
一国一制 2020-7-1 00:08:41 以中文版本為準
薄荷梳打 2020-7-1 00:09:21
尼斯達 2020-7-1 00:09:25 份垃圾今日先寫 九唔撚搭八
手榴彈 2020-7-1 00:09:40 咪得第一頁係英文
失控杏仁核 2020-7-1 00:10:14 WTF? 冇英文既?
高級粉腸 2020-7-1 00:10:34
烈火紅音 2020-7-1 00:10:35 而家咩都唔做都係犯法
一碌碌 2020-7-1 00:11:01 Law of People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(Approved in the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on 30 June 2020)

Table of Content

Chapter I General
Chapter II Duties and Institution of HKSAR safeguarding national security
Section 1 Responsibilities
Section 2 Institution
Chapter III Crimes and Penalties
Section 1 Crime of Secession
Section 2 Crime of Subverting State Power
Section 3 Crime of Terrorism
Section 4 Crime of colluding with foreign or external forces to endanger national security
Section 5 Other Penalities
Section 6 Scope of Effect
Chapter IV Case Jurisdiction, Law Application and Procedure
Chapter V Institutions of The Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Maintenance of National Security
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

高級粉腸 2020-7-1 00:11:43


薄荷梳打 2020-7-1 00:12:04 傻的嗎
一碌碌 2020-7-1 00:12:08 Law of People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(Approved in the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of 13th National People’s Congress on 30 June 2020)

Table of Content

Chapter I General
Chapter II Duties and Institution of HKSAR safeguarding national security
Section 1 Responsibilities
Section 2 Institution
Chapter III Crimes and Penalties
Section 1 Crime of Secession
Section 2 Crime of Subverting State Power
Section 3 Crime of Terrorism
Section 4 Crime of colluding with foreign or external forces to endanger national security
Section 5 Other Penalities
Section 6 Scope of Effect
Chapter IV Case Jurisdiction, Law Application and Procedure
Chapter V Institutions of The Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Maintenance of National Security
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

毛賊神經病 2020-7-1 00:13:00 中国人睇中文,睇咩英文版呀?你想勾結外國勢力呀?
SENSOR 2020-7-1 00:13:53 民間自行譯俾外國算唔算違國安法