LIHKG 計劃進修PhD/Research討論區 (12) Every man lives by exchanging
chisinlo 2017-4-23 00:30:55

打算aim molecular genetics 但係而家sort of 做緊biotechnology (metabolic engineering)


Microfluidics, bioMEMS

Micromixers, micropumps, Self Assembly Molecules, micro-gradient generators, microcontact printing, micro incubators, micro cell sorting machine………


巴打知唔知有冇可能用microfluidic device整DIY HPLC given 我有photolithography

同埋有冇咩accessible既computer program/software去control 各種pump同valves

救命呀 我讀bio架 放過我啦

我自己用Labview 或者自己寫interface control arduino 或者raspberry pi


你用咩pump ? 同咩controller? Labview 最易用,GUI programming。

errr.... 我成日都覺得去到依個年代,好難再分咁deep 嘅stream, 咩bio, maths, physics, engineering。到最後都係logic/ Philsoshy。萬物本同源,同埋而家個世界變得咁快,唔好其他field s嘅嘢好快俾人/ AI取代。

我而家都要學machine learning, 寫個bot 認/數cell 做IoT microscope。

一直覺得microfluids唔算係engineering,我覺得似係physics experiment 多..之前做microfluid heat transfer, fabrication 嗰陣煩到一個點...同埋做做下覺得唔係engineering...可能唔多見到一舊寶物,始終係lab on chips...最後頂唔順走左,但microfluid應該係幾值得explore既topics,起碼見學校啲research group publish 得幾快

好認同你句萬物本同源,我幾年大學生涯做過既4個research group.. 有 and materials..
做research 啲板斧其實差唔多,唔識好多時都可以即刻catch-up..反而有一個open 既mindset仲好過你有disciplinary knowledge...溝幾個field仲易過有result過你慢慢鑽深入


我沒有放棄 2017-4-23 00:30:55













貓咪🐱 2017-4-23 00:33:18


數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:34:10














我沒有放棄 2017-4-23 00:35:11















貓咪🐱 2017-4-23 00:36:57


數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:38:31



我沒有放棄 2017-4-23 00:39:40




我沒有放棄 2017-4-23 00:40:05



一言筆發 2017-4-23 00:40:49



chisinlo 2017-4-23 00:41:20







一言筆發 2017-4-23 00:42:59






忒修斯之船 2017-4-23 00:43:47



數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:44:22







貓咪🐱 2017-4-23 00:44:22


數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:44:47



忒修斯之船 2017-4-23 00:45:40






我沒有放棄 2017-4-23 00:47:01






獨毒樂 2017-4-23 00:47:31



貓咪🐱 2017-4-23 00:47:52


數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:50:55





卡利古拉 2017-4-23 00:52:37



惡德辯護士K 2017-4-23 00:52:42 無connection係咪唔駛諗住去Top uni讀PhD
chisinlo 2017-4-23 00:53:48







數學廢柴 2017-4-23 00:53:57
無connection係咪唔駛諗住去Top uni讀PhD

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