[PolyU] 紅磚大學討論區(28)— 拎1001做咩唔開po
隱藏性gay因 2020-7-9 22:35:29 我f2f present 冇問題, 只不過覺得為咗Elc返poly曬時間


6點半丁痕 2020-7-9 22:36:08 咩科
兩盒呀,thanks! 2020-7-9 22:37:06 迫啲無香港身份證又返唔到香港嘅non local defer
Ting庭玉立 2020-7-9 22:38:41 安排真係好on9 最後咪又係要返學
香印 2020-7-9 22:42:37 今年non Jupas year3 entry 諗住簡eis stream
有眼無珠 2020-7-9 22:44:35
Ting庭玉立 2020-7-9 22:46:14 Learning and Teaching for Taught Programmes (including Taught Subjects Taken by RPg Students)
1. Delivery mode of general learning and teaching

(a) For a class size of 50 or below, teaching will adopt a face-to-face mode in a University’s teaching room with a seating capacity of at least twice as large as the class size, with students sitting in every other seat.

(b) For a class size of more than 50, teaching will adopt an online mode using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, MS Teams, or Zoom as appropriate, with all teaching activities recorded.

(c) For subjects that are offered with mass lectures (e.g. 100 or more students) and supplemented with small group seminars/tutorials (e.g. below 50 students), students will be required to attend lectures online and participate in face-to-face seminar/tutorial sessions.
傷風 2020-7-9 22:49:27 此回覆已被刪除
有時真係笑唔忍住 2020-7-9 22:53:32 過咗成個sem都唔識用
傷風 2020-7-9 22:55:08 此回覆已被刪除
疊疊層 2020-7-9 23:20:53 強烈要求下個sem 有p/f


驻港国安人员 2020-7-9 23:23:39 此回覆已被刪除
Diary 2020-7-9 23:30:16 此回覆已被刪除
功利煮意 2020-7-9 23:32:56 洗唔洗咁快決定
傷風 2020-7-9 23:35:25 此回覆已被刪除
西蘭花師奶 2020-7-9 23:36:09
隱藏性gay因 2020-7-10 00:05:32
我愛蔡思韵 2020-7-10 00:50:11 未收到
蠢人一個 2020-7-10 01:58:09 又online,reg day有咩特別野
蠢人一個 2020-7-10 02:04:12 全民中招,死淨有抗體
sick即是空 2020-7-10 10:29:54 剩係派個19面罩


Captopril 2020-7-10 10:42:12 吾城係咪全online左?
生死符 2020-7-10 11:34:38 吾城同edu都好似係
Asso仔(放棄師) 2020-7-10 11:56:10 此回覆已被刪除
Satoru 2020-7-10 12:02:49 又唔係咁大件事 咁有晒全身防護 你畢咗業之後咪又係要做呢啲嘢