[PolyU] 紅磚大學討論區(28)— 拎1001做咩唔開po
Captopril 2020-7-17 18:50:13 以往就8月中- 9月頭. 不過唔知今年肺炎下會唔會改


再嘈打到你變孿線 2020-7-17 19:19:59 會長好似幾靚仔...
Captopril 2020-7-17 19:26:43
2001太空漫遊 2020-7-17 20:01:53 Yes
And Susan
隱藏性gay因 2020-7-17 20:03:06 chartia堂都唔上真心嘥晒
DE-SPN 2020-7-17 20:05:10 AR send左email 話On-campus invigilated examinations照常舉行
丙稀 2020-7-17 20:07:12 On-campus invigilated examinations scheduled for 3-15 August 2020 (including outstanding Semester 2 and Summer Term examinations) will be conducted as scheduled and announced for students in Hong Kong, with enhanced public health and social distancing measures in place, including mandatory travel and health declaration and body temperature screening. All students are required to wear surgical masks when entering campus and throughout examinations.
2001太空漫遊 2020-7-17 20:10:05

2001太空漫遊 2020-7-17 20:13:07
丙稀 2020-7-17 20:14:52 會唔會又彈弓手呢
隱藏性gay因 2020-7-17 20:18:38


fryingpan 2020-7-17 20:20:44 此回覆已被刪除
慘過番理工 2020-7-17 20:22:09 痴撚線 罔顧學生安全
虎豹鐵騎 2020-7-17 20:27:52
戴祖儀好可愛 2020-7-17 20:34:28 一早都溫定啦
唐症皓 2020-7-17 21:30:01 poly真係唔會令學生失望
寶茨安靖 2020-7-17 23:28:33 考考下班狗衝入黎話懷疑有危險人物在場
女朋友係靚女卡比 2020-7-18 11:19:33 :識射箭嘅出黎!
永遠關注達哥 2020-7-18 15:17:47 Sem1 又唔使返學

丙稀 2020-7-18 15:20:48 AR 彈弓手了
TestingTest 2020-7-18 15:24:04 Exam都好似online


隱藏性gay因 2020-7-18 15:24:31 可以apply f2f考
隱藏性gay因 2020-7-18 15:25:02 唔使返去ELC
難道沒跳閘太耐 2020-7-18 15:26:02 唯一德政
慘過番理工 2020-7-18 15:28:47 但係上個sem 八月補考嗰啲冇講到喎