[祝巴塞高層全體空難死] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (341)
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-6-30 00:58:35 拎Puig換


任由途人發現 2020-6-30 00:59:23 Po名

上條當麻 2020-6-30 00:59:34 摩連奴唔得啦 成日屌膠層
上條當麻 2020-6-30 01:01:29 柏方 so9 梅西
拉 影 迪馬
小明 奧達文迪 比基 羅白頭
被馬會屠殺 2020-6-30 01:02:16 羅白頭咁後生
上條當麻 2020-6-30 01:02:50 加泰手足專登拍片叫我哋唔好放棄 7.1要上街
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
張若凡老公 2020-6-30 01:03:02 此回覆已被刪除
Deerhunter😎 2020-6-30 01:04:21 橫掂都amigo
一於喺巴黎free trade卡雲尼同泰亞高施華先
任由途人發現 2020-6-30 01:04:51 簽返法比

張若凡老公 2020-6-30 01:05:32 此回覆已被刪除
小你爸爸 2020-6-30 01:06:21 巴塞真係養老一流


醉拳甘乃迪 2020-6-30 01:07:14 賣走嗰後生潛力中場換件30歲老野返嚟,賺咗千二萬

Arthur_Melo 2020-6-30 01:08:16 笑得幾勉強

DD.DD 2020-6-30 01:15:18 唔好話高層啦,班大帝有冇企硬幫美路留隊,你美斯大哥,蘇神大哥有冇係哩件事出過聲
王菲(孤寂) 2020-6-30 01:28:38 此回覆已被刪除
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-6-30 01:54:40 已經變緊下一隊ac
Avicii 2020-6-30 01:59:12 慘 真係換左老野返黎
滕崎佑助 2020-6-30 01:59:48 美沙 柏方 再加守門員armani
Arthur_Melo 2020-6-30 02:19:33
Arthur_Melo 2020-6-30 02:19:47 真球王美沙呢
滕崎佑助 2020-6-30 02:25:00 而家27歲 過多兩年可以加盟


Ahbii' 2020-6-30 02:36:02 當你係一間公司入面嘅王牌

坐擁高薪 但絕大部分係為成就而打拼

但陪你打生打死 有默契 做到嘢嘅走晒



幫得手 有潛質嘅冇得升職 重要炒魷


上司又唔識變通 只求得過且過

股東 董事亦只為做靚條數 等收錢

而事實上公司業績 競爭力keep住跌

整個高層只在乎當下利益 唔會考慮長遠

昔日工作伙伴大部份換晒血 只有你依然係最叻

但閒言閒語不斷 批評你領導能力

打拼時日無多 但你又唔會離開間公司

只能一直喺呢種無奈下工作 無能為力 直至退休

Ahbii' 2020-6-30 02:39:42 跟手請埋韋拿 山神 伊巴返嚟 頂級鋒晒
LeMao_James 2020-6-30 02:43:03 屌你老母 唔撚想睇呢隊閪波
Arthur_Melo 2020-6-30 02:46:48 https://www.mundodeportivo.com/futbol/fc-barcelona/20200629/482028086900/varios-companeros-expresaron-a-arthur-su-apoyo-y-solidaridad.html
The Barça squad has always been by Arthur's side , from the moment he learned of the negotiations between the Barça club and Juventus until his trip to Turin to certify his transfer. In all this time, the Brazilian has received unconditional support from the players, some privately expressing his disappointment at his departure, the club's decision and also Quique Setien's statements . The player took the floor in training before Atlético to give his explanations.

Arthur is annoyed for putting an abrupt and premature end to his Barça stage, which he expected to be long-lived. He tried to postpone the irreparable, with public statements of his desire not to leave the Camp Nou and tweets of love and loyalty to the club. The tactic did not work and he ended up looking for the best contract with the Italians. Consider it a good option. What is clear to him is that he will continue to give everything as long as he is Barça player and playing if they ask him to.

The Brazilian has always felt wrapped in the dressing room, but even more so last Friday hours before playing against Celta when Setién released to the press that “he is not the first or the last player to sign with high expectations and at the end they do not bear fruit for whatever reason ”. The words shook the locker room and some heavyweights let him know of their unconditional support both right there, in the Ciutat Esportiva, and privately with mobile messages. The player also felt the warmth of his companions, the closest ones, already in Italy.

For this reason, internal sources say, it did not seem strange to them that Luis Suárez threw a public taunt at Setién after losing two points against Celta when they had the game won with a few minutes to go. The tightness between the dressing room and the coach was evident, and more with images that prove disagreements in the downtime.