[祝巴塞高層全體空難死] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (341)
天才小釣手 2020-7-1 17:18:46 「2014-21年間,大雄為巴塞帶來的利多於弊。」你是否同意此說?試參考資料C及D,並就你所知,解釋你的答案。


S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 17:41:51 仲有fati嘅
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 17:42:27 狗保又落大雄面
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 17:44:45 巴杜姆在加泰台節目《星期六問責》說,認同今次試題不公,而不公的起源就是出題方法有問題,「當有條題目係出錯咗或者出得唔好的時候,係冇辦法在題目上做到一個有意義的評估,咁唯一做法就係取消咗佢。」巴杜姆並說「如果就錯的題目評分,亦不代表是一個公平的做法」。巴形容現時是補救,取消試題就是最負責任的做法,並在其他題目調分,相信考評局作決定時已充分考慮對學生影響。
De_Jong_21 2020-7-1 17:47:59 此回覆已被刪除
De_Jong_21 2020-7-1 17:49:41 此回覆已被刪除
可口可樂加百事 2020-7-1 17:50:34 過多一兩年就到你
De_Jong_21 2020-7-1 17:54:50 此回覆已被刪除
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 17:59:35 邊個係新牙朗?新加盟個個翼?
可口可樂加百事 2020-7-1 18:05:26 我有預感兩年後泥馬會返巴塞

S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 18:06:16 要等跌watt+高薪


De_Jong_21 2020-7-1 18:10:58 此回覆已被刪除
可口可樂加百事 2020-7-1 18:12:12 30歲屁馬志在必得,100m+迪莊+puig 唔夠?加埋法迪
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 18:17:58 重組30+msn
美麗笑容 2020-7-1 18:38:08 基沙文+丹比利換屁馬
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 18:45:54 呢度d巴狗都可能接受啦
屁今年29 傻丹成日傷+電話唔岩位
想旅行 2020-7-1 19:43:26 Griezmann left frustrated and sad yesterday, he did not understand why he had to come on so late. He found it disrespectful, he thinks he deserves more. [cadena ser]
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 20:23:45 💥 Griezmann left frustrated and sad yesterday, he did not understand why he had to come on in the 90th minute. He found it disrespectful, he thinks he deserves more.

💥 Griezmann does not plan to leave Barça because the dressing room believe that Setién will not continue.

Setien: "I will not apologize to Griezmann."

Alain Griezmann (Antoine's father): "To talk about this kind of conversation you have to have the keys to the truck, but that's not the case, you're just a passenger."
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 20:28:38 🔴 Bartomeu is not satisfied with Griezmann’s performances.

🔵 Griezmann's ideal position is Messi's, and that's untouchable.

🔴 Barça thought that in the passage of months Griezmann would naturally place himself on the field, and that the Frenchman would find his place. But that hasn't happened.

🔵 Griezmann doesn't play under Setien.


古, Arthur, 電話
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-7-1 20:33:09 不如unsatify埋丹麥佬 好似中場咁冇曬人
咪可以用盡puig fati打正選
反正都冇冠架啦 用多d青訓仲冇咁嬲
Messi_10 2020-7-1 20:40:56 其實佢有咁重要咩
d所謂新星年年有 等佢有孫興民咁勁先算啦


De_Jong_21 2020-7-1 20:44:24 此回覆已被刪除
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 21:00:19 The late substitution of Griezmann has caused some sparks in his surroundings.

Theo, Antoine’s brother posted the following statements on Twitter:

“Only 2 minutes....”

“Really, I’m gonna cry”

But deleted the comments quickly. Even Antoine’s father, Alain Griezmann did not hold back and lashed out on hours Instagram. He had posted statements from Setién, after the match, in which Setién claimed that he did not have to apologize to Antoine.

Griezmann’s father's reply could not have been more direct: "To apologize the first thing to have is the key to the truck, and this is not your case, because it is simply a passenger." A very straightforward statement regarding Setién’s leadership qualities and control over the team.
Arthur_Melo 2020-7-1 21:01:55 都係嗰句
大野智 2020-7-1 21:07:10 此回覆已被刪除