[經典共賞] 牛仔 • Workwear • 古着 • 軍褸 • Boots • Country Style (35)
跟你學野 2020-8-13 21:23:48 有冇巴打上網買過Nicks / Whites boot?


prokofiev 2020-8-14 19:02:22 好喜歡country style和牛仔褲。The t-shirt in Zara come in seven sizes: extra extra small, extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Its chinos come in many sizes. These chinos are the wrong size. They aren't my size. They aren't my cousin's size either. This pair of chinos is a size thirty eight. Do you have these pants 👖in a size thirty one? I take a size thirty one in chinos whereas my cousin is a size thirty five in pants 👖. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair of chinos and a size thirty two pair on for size. If both pair aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size sonewhere else. What is your shoe 👞size? What blouse 👚size does your cousin take? What dress 👗size is your sister? I wanna try this coat 🧥on in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because I think it's two sizes too small? I need a bigger size. My brother has tried it on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the green t-shirt in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Susannah takes size eight in dresses 👗🥻and medium size in blouses 👚. She's a size nine in shoes 🥿👠👡while I generally wear a size nine and a half. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over four hundred and ninety dollars 💵💰💳🧾in a single transaction, you get a pocket-sized mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Susannah a gift 🎁of a blouse 👚, a pair of shorts 🩳and a bikini 👙along with the pocket-size mirror.
解開基因鎖 2020-8-14 23:09:17 Ebay就用得多,有冇人喺Etsy尋開寶?
昭旻黃金精神 2020-8-15 00:02:44 無研究點用
但有時想做RESEARCH會上去睇睇 幾多野睇
AH.H 2020-8-15 14:15:35 此回覆已被刪除
解開基因鎖 2020-8-15 14:24:37 感覺上好多嘢都喺ebay揾唔到而etsy有
解開基因鎖 2020-8-15 14:26:03 Ebay我最耐嗰次好似都係一個月左右
樓主係GAY佬 2020-8-15 14:43:15 有冇巴打玩開皮帶扣,仲有好多

紅都面晒 2020-8-15 15:03:37 用ebay, 賣家location 好重要,不過一個月都算合理
prokofiev 2020-8-15 15:26:42 I'm a size thirty one in chinos and jeans while my cousin's husband takes a size forty in them.
AH.H 2020-8-15 18:55:29 此回覆已被刪除


AH.H 2020-8-15 18:56:37 此回覆已被刪除
CavEmpt 2020-8-17 20:49:12
高級用户 2020-8-17 23:27:08 有對red wing 875 us7.5 E頭 (啱us8-8.5),唔啱size 淨係著過一次,有冇巴打接手,諗住平平地放左佢

Tg: https://t.me/bigspringbag

iichan106 2020-8-20 15:06:56 想問下各位巴打,自己著開Barbour Bedale SL 細碼 (宜家應該係標size 36),想買多件長版Barbour Border ,非SL版應該買番咩size先岩??
紅都面晒 2020-8-20 16:14:20 Border 好難carry .... 巴打有無185?

Border 好loose 好長, 如果你著SL36, 我估Border 要34
iichan106 2020-8-20 18:04:11 我178左右,72KG。Bedale SL 好FIT下,講緊個膊同加拿大位。34 我驚膊位唔岩,亦都想買厚少少既Northumbria,但呢款最細得36。再唔係就要搵日本二手既border SL............
真鳩不怕紅爐火 2020-8-20 23:34:50 有無師兄有take 5會員?薄酬
死老嘢 2020-8-20 23:36:37 就快有
一旦錯過就不再 2020-8-22 11:26:37 大家啲Gurkha 褲會唔會燙?
真鳩不怕紅爐火 2020-8-22 11:54:18


生勾勾_十九九 2020-8-22 14:46:02 此回覆已被刪除
AH.H 2020-8-22 19:12:27 此回覆已被刪除
a1234kitkit 2020-8-22 23:14:35 有無巴打用過 鬆皮水, 軟皮膏 黎整軟d皮, 因為對 875 無著幾年, 依家硬撚過樹皮
生勾勾_十九九 2020-8-23 03:50:05 此回覆已被刪除