web developer圍爐區
_uranium_ 2020-8-18 18:50:59 我有睇,幾得意


lvlpr 2020-8-18 22:24:09 寫web 多唔多用到data structure & Algorithm 呢方面既野
學校都有教過searching , sorting , tree 果D , 但我呢方面好廢
eelonmuskk 2020-8-18 23:03:16 問呢個問題前
同埋language中有咩特別去handle data
Angular 2020-8-19 00:33:32 純粹睇你整咩Web Application
但香港整黎整去都只係整既simple webpage, 大多數都係call api 同用人地third party libraray就搞掂
好少公司搞複雜野, 重點係香港D boss同BA根本無想像力同膽量去think out of the box
一23四 2020-8-19 20:31:19 想reuse svg element,將佢儲係html template到會唔會好新手?有無其他方法 for reuse
訓覺專員 2020-8-20 02:00:00 此回覆已被刪除
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 20:11:26 此回覆已被刪除
Angular 2020-8-21 20:46:29


正路好少用wix, 除非個客/Project要你幾日起貨兼唔理你用咩方法
另外wix同wordpress只適合特定Use case, 唔係萬能

然後大多數developer都會用framework, library, tool

用pure html/js/css既人唔係無...Freshgrad剛出黎咪一堆囉...但佢地可以係呢行生存到幾耐係一個問題
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 20:50:32 此回覆已被刪除
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 20:52:13 此回覆已被刪除
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 20:53:29 此回覆已被刪除


_uranium_ 2020-8-21 20:57:01 react vue angular
express django
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 20:59:42 此回覆已被刪除
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 21:00:18 此回覆已被刪除
Angular 2020-8-21 21:01:51 呢d叫生存技能
Frontend/UI/UX弱咪學d backend skill增值下囉
布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-21 21:06:28 此回覆已被刪除
作code家 2020-8-22 01:21:18 覺得整 backend 好難完全唔識 frontend
否則啲 API DESIGN = 離地

作code家 2020-8-22 01:27:11

木廠仔 2020-8-22 01:59:37 好中
黑夜賜我黑色乳頭 2020-8-22 13:22:11 fg表示仲未有offer..
陳云根議員 2020-8-22 13:57:46 想知用wordpress多數係直接寫parent theme定係child theme定係點 新手


布丁狗不是布丁 2020-8-22 14:18:24 此回覆已被刪除
eelonmuskk 2020-8-22 18:47:41 叫幾多
DriftCloud 2020-8-22 18:55:24 請問有沒有freelancer 想接小型的 php +mysql job?

We want to build one online database for multiple users to input and access data, brief description are as follows:
- Service period of the vendor: 1 Sept 2020 – 30 Sept 2020 (1 month or less)
- Design one database based on attached requirement using PHP & mysql as programming script; Online database for multiple users to input/edit/delete/copy data
- Generating pre-set reports (export to xls & pdf) from selected criteria
- Database security:
o using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and HTTPS
o login with password for access – accessing different level of data based on access rights
- All programming codes and scripts will be accessible by the contracting organization. Upon handover, all programming codes and scripts will become the sole property of the contracting organization
- The service provider will provide at least two rounds of modification of database based on the user feedback after testing, within the service period.

TG @LemurMada
黑夜賜我黑色乳頭 2020-8-22 19:19:32 18