蓬佩奧: 將對剝削香港自治的中共官員實施簽證限制
極速神驅 2020-6-27 00:33:09 https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1276552627724181504

President @realDonaldTrump promised to punish the CCP officials responsible for eviscerating Hong Kong’s freedoms. Today, we are taking action to do just that– we've announced visa restrictions on CCP officials responsible for undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and human rights.

12:27 AM · Jun 27, 2020·Twitter Web App


三日月·奧古斯 2020-6-27 00:34:10
極速神驅 2020-6-27 00:34:21
三步中出西門 2020-6-27 00:34:42 唔係
三步中出西門 2020-6-27 00:35:29 We've announced
真•醉愛允兒 2020-6-27 00:35:29 有冇名
真•醉愛允兒 2020-6-27 00:35:40 list?
A星 2020-6-27 00:36:21 此回覆已被刪除
食飯啦 2020-6-27 00:37:11 吱牙膏
AskRob 2020-6-27 00:37:45 冇得去美國姐
極速神驅 2020-6-27 00:38:39


scottsummer 2020-6-27 00:42:54 我要家屬都中招啊
三步中出西門 2020-6-27 00:42:59 係CCP Officials,姐係好大機會係韓正、汪洋、駱惠寧果堆
東東不敗 2020-6-27 00:44:59 唔去美國就無事啦
鍵盤冥鬥士 2020-6-27 00:46:54 此回覆已被刪除
Never侵B 2020-6-27 00:47:04 已經直接跳過侵
超人呢個 2020-6-27 00:47:56 此回覆已被刪除
牛牛B哥 2020-6-27 00:48:25 咁中國d官仲點去美國求和?
抽水真心膠 2020-6-27 00:50:10
胸搜到黑帶 2020-6-27 00:50:45 我要中國香港官員呀
小膠粒 2020-6-27 00:50:45 淨係冇得比佢哋去美國冇咩用


地攤廢鹽 2020-6-27 00:51:05
溫水煮肥蛙 2020-6-27 00:51:07 即係唔包香港?
Eyo 2020-6-27 00:51:14 林鄭2仔係咪會離開哈佛先
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