[終於開季] F1 2020 奧地利站1 討論區
HK-Record 2020-7-1 11:38:15 4萬生日 要上街慶祝了


Maddison10 2020-7-1 13:13:09 光復Monza 垃利革命
芬蘭公公(VB77) 2020-7-1 20:49:03 Abiteboul also made sure to mention the Renault academy, but a motivated, experienced driver is top of his wishlist.

“As for the coming seasons we have several options, we have our Academy with young drivers that we really believe in. But we won’t know anything more until December, when the F2 finishes,” he added.

“The team needs an experienced driver who is able to take the project forward, with a good level of motivation.

“We don’t want to be the last in line in the drivers’ market, we want to find someone who is ready to commit to us.”

朴志效(未分手) 2020-7-2 00:33:58 https://s.nextmedia.com/realtime/a.php?i=20200701&s=7032049&a=61119083
藍牛 2020-7-2 00:41:32 得8場都嬴唔到一站有可能
藍牛 2020-7-2 00:48:50
shitpost 2020-7-2 01:16:42
芬蘭公公(VB77) 2020-7-2 01:20:01
芬蘭公公(VB77) 2020-7-2 01:21:07 跟手炒埋眼鏡佬
挪威的公爵 2020-7-2 02:05:52 有冇人買F1 pro TV
25% off
灣仔遊戲機城 2020-7-2 02:10:25 冇得睇Live?
淨係見到Live timing


挪威的公爵 2020-7-2 02:11:26 Pro TV 香港region冇
但可以睇曬所有車cam同team radio
灣仔遊戲機城 2020-7-2 02:13:41 nowtv我冇續約,我要睇Live去nowe買Fox+

灣仔遊戲機城 2020-7-2 02:18:58 兩人夾每人$80左右睇一季,好撚抵屌
堅尼米拿足金鳩猴 2020-7-2 02:44:30
清師兄 2020-7-2 11:36:11 想試新my team mode 邊到訂有得偷跑 4xx照衝了
挪威的公爵 2020-7-2 11:47:31
灣仔遊戲機城 2020-7-2 12:12:16 應該7月7有
朗素波 2020-7-2 15:45:49 等得好苦

KwanGT 2020-7-2 15:47:51 執撚左佢啦
平井毛毛 2020-7-2 16:40:16 其實佢就算有冇設計錯誤
都冇人預佢會打低大牛 甚至BENZ架啦


鄉村僧屍 2020-7-2 16:51:26 如果架車廢到連粉紅色BENZ都過到佢就好笑
平井毛毛 2020-7-2 16:54:19 如果racing point自煮研發果架
大石砸丁蟹 2020-7-2 16:56:47

朴志效(未分手) 2020-7-2 16:57:59 老豆力量