富豪大法好 2020-6-28 05:17:07


富豪大法好 2020-6-28 05:22:14
綠帽鹿角 2020-6-28 07:58:58
肥絲粉皮 2020-6-28 08:21:36
真俊華 2020-6-28 09:40:29
波音747-400 2020-6-28 09:40:57
浦子 2020-6-28 11:11:37
我無野撈 2020-6-28 11:15:23 譚daddy
浦子 2020-6-28 11:20:28
ボーイング 2020-6-28 11:52:03 唔好嬲,譚Daddy是男神
擼擼羞 2020-6-28 13:01:47


擼擼羞 2020-6-28 13:03:05
擼擼羞 2020-6-28 13:04:33
富豪大法好 2020-6-28 13:15:28
肥絲粉皮 2020-6-28 14:35:12
擼擼羞 2020-6-28 17:43:24
我無野撈 2020-6-28 18:41:40 simairport 半價down左黎玩,好垃圾
個baggage system垃圾到
LuluTung 2020-6-29 00:00:59 前幾日見到有架大柴機 唔知係咪落雨無再清洗
個cargo 門 好似廚叉咁barcode 印咁
浦子 2020-6-29 10:41:33 Boeing set for critical 737 Max flight tests

Boeing's bid to see its 737 Max return to the skies faces a pivotal week with flight safety tests expected to begin.
Pilots and technical experts from regulators and the company are understood to be planning three days of tests, possibly starting on Monday.

Boeing's best-selling aircraft was grounded last year after two crashes killed all 346 people on the flights.
The tests are a milestone for Boeing, but even if they go well, months of further safety checks will be needed.
Aviation regulators grounded the 737 Max about 15 months ago following two crashes - a Lion Air flight and an Ethiopian Airlines flight - within five months of each other.

The ruling triggered a financial crisis at the 103-year-old company, sparked lawsuits from victims' families, and raised questions about how Boeing and the US regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), conducted their safety approval process.

真俊華 2020-6-29 19:49:13 潘生有兩個正評,增長率100%

RL3936 2020-6-29 20:22:05 我睇flight radar 有架dhl 777f 竟然飛到HKG-LAX直航

但我無諗過真係唔滿嘅77F可以trans-pacific non-stop


廚叉狙擊手 2020-6-29 20:55:53 係都要將國泰同廚叉拉埋黎講
LuluTung 2020-6-29 21:13:10 有人要學叻哥咁睇唔到就唔知唔清楚唔講
如果你有張禁區證入去睇下既話 我有冇講錯先走出黎串柒柒啦豆丁
廚叉狙擊手 2020-6-29 21:13:48
富豪大法好 2020-6-29 21:15:59 腐皮太多會hide左內容