『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(85) HMPO簽收後拾肆個工作天內更新
所記 2020-6-17 00:09:29 成年子女......難啲了。


圓木梨棚 2020-6-17 00:13:42 此回覆已被刪除
扮基抽下水 2020-6-17 00:54:15 此回覆已被刪除
希魔 2020-6-17 01:01:00 The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) is an Executive Agency of the Home Office and was established on 1 April 2006 after the passing of the Identity Cards Act 2006. It was created from a merger of the UK Passport Service and the Identity Cards Programme of the Home Office. The General Register Office (GRO) became part of IPS on 1 April 2008. The IPS is responsible for the issuing of passports to British nationals presently living in the UK, delivering the National Identity Scheme capability, and delivering the functions of the GRO in England and Wales and supporting the Registrar General in discharging his duties.


The line with HMPO is the normal one for most British born UK Citizens.

IPS was the Identity and Passport Service from 2006 to 2013. (The Identity and Passport Service was renamed HM Passport Office on 13 May 2013).
UKPS was the United Kingdom Passport Service (A previous name before HM Passport Office).
UKPA was the UK Passport Agency (A previous name before HM Passport Office).
HMPO is the current “Her Majesty’s Passport Office”.

People who had passports issued by Agencies such as the Hong Kong passport office, or Gibraltar, etc., would tick “other”.
扮基抽下水 2020-6-17 01:09:23 此回覆已被刪除
Meme麼麼 2020-6-17 01:10:44 我嗰陣都有得揀英籍 我記得好清楚 最後sd email問發現我係有bno
Meme麼麼 2020-6-17 01:12:32 Process到approve個時間先最耐⋯⋯
贏大獲 2020-6-17 01:15:08 收到email叫寄 document 但login果陣又有得㩒ask someone to confirm identity
希魔 2020-6-17 01:15:58 睇頂置
壞咗嘅許志安 2020-6-17 01:44:36
希魔 2020-6-17 01:45:12 睇頂置


cornelia 2020-6-17 02:45:54 此回覆已被刪除
至少三萬 2020-6-17 05:05:42 請問,BNO續期係咪一定要交特衰護照?

希魔 2020-6-17 05:10:15 冇咗就算喇
15243 2020-6-17 06:58:46 弱弱一問 係咪只要email收到報失reference number就可以確定係擁有過BNO?
哈蜜瓜醬 2020-6-17 07:24:14
15243 2020-6-17 07:26:27 明白哂唔該 因為我九十後 冇印象見過本BNO但父母又堅持我有同出過國 所以就算宜家成功報失都唔確定自己係咪有過
NCRarcadia 2020-6-17 07:58:42 個proposal真係過到既,依個post係咪有望一日爆一個

HKalive 2020-6-17 08:19:28
朴明洙 2020-6-17 08:27:28 4號到HMPO 郁都冇郁過 今日仲send message提話要send documents
阿記神鋒 2020-6-17 09:03:52 Proposal 好似寫左要求Boris Johnson 今日內回覆


NCRarcadia 2020-6-17 09:16:14 //I would be grateful for responses by 9:00pm Wednesday 17 June//
移除下體裝置 2020-6-17 09:16:22 想搵個副簽都咁難個個BNO都過哂期
Merci_Arsene 2020-6-17 09:19:51 此回覆已被刪除
NCRarcadia 2020-6-17 09:22:43 Commonwealth EU US 都無?