[SPUNK] Apink討論區(67) 恭喜第3個Youtuber開業 恩地快D Solo回歸
夏榮奴隸 2020-7-19 16:06:55 6點ch+有恩地private live
7點普通channel live


藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 16:07:34 又可以課金CH+
那一天 2020-7-19 16:47:20 蝦翁Twitter乜事
宋萬歲 2020-7-19 16:51:49 韓國班大男人又講左d乜
夏榮奴隸 2020-7-19 17:02:36 有關張足球相
Panda personally sent me a lot of articles and I read them, but they don't have any contact with anyone other than women. They're just members who like soccer! I want to tell you this because I feel like there's a lot of worrying going on and off.
I was surprised to get a personal message from Daum's malicious comments and mischievous comments... There are a lot of things I've never heard of before. I don't want our fans to worry about anything. I want to tell them what they're worried about or what they're curious about. We didn't meet other people except us, and we just gathered because we had good sports and games.
夏榮奴隸 2020-7-19 17:11:19 I'm sorry to make you misunderstand. And we are going to respond to malicious comments and postings that are going too far by consulting with the company.
I'm trying for a good purpose and purpose. Please don't get me wrong!
I've never seen or played soccer with the men's team! I think it's a bigger concern to me that the other fans and the bread-and-butter people worry a little bit. We're a team that's gathered recently because of the current situation. We'll be more careful if the Panda are worried!
Busan 2020-7-19 17:17:39 D韓國人真係好撚煩
藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 17:20:56 on9韓國人
熊貓的奇蹟 2020-7-19 17:31:02 真係好on9啲韓國人
藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 17:35:56 Panda女團粉鬼有咁無聊呀 男子足球隊果邊d男團女粉搞事就真 班女真係自己開心組隊踢波咋 以為你oppa好吸引咩
宋萬歲 2020-7-19 17:40:03 蝦翁肯踢波做運動 panda開心都黎唔切


宋萬歲 2020-7-19 17:55:07 https://twitter.com/719tw/status/1284788380195123200?s=19
藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 17:55:49
藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 17:58:58 普普普中字
不倒蝦翁 2020-7-19 18:06:58
不倒蝦翁 2020-7-19 18:07:41 vlive + 有恩地睇
Busan 2020-7-19 18:10:21
不倒蝦翁 2020-7-19 18:11:21
本田仁美(芝士) 2020-7-19 18:15:55 Cls踢波都要俾人鬧
熊貓的奇蹟 2020-7-19 18:21:51 so true
Busan 2020-7-19 18:59:30 https://www.vlive.tv/video/203065


藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 19:01:14 開始啦 三隻狗狗
宋萬歲 2020-7-19 19:01:37 好可愛幾隻狗
藍眼白瓏 2020-7-19 19:05:33 live住打交
宋萬歲 2020-7-19 19:08:03 痾左尿?