『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(80) 先睇2樓 再睇DOC 之後再問問題
埃及文明 2020-6-1 10:34:09 print依個pdf出黎然後攞去宣誓就得?係咪唔洗booking架?


前路白茫茫 2020-6-1 10:34:28 想問下係咪得一個速度/價錢選擇?我見上面有巴打話200幾但我睇報價就300幾
ktc 2020-6-1 10:38:43 https://www.fedex.com/zh-hk/campaign/oadr/jan2020-tnc.html

i. 按照上述第3條成功參加本計劃後,參加者可享有40%之折扣優惠(下稱「折扣優惠」),為期3個月(以十三(13)個星期計算),由帳戶註冊日期開始起計(「折扣優惠期限」)。每次合資格託運貨件(如下文第(iii)條所述)將按基本正價運費計算折扣。其它費用,包括但不限於燃油附加費、關稅和稅項及其他附加費等,恕不享有折扣優惠
最長最型棍 2020-6-1 10:39:06 你係咪6折link開戶果個?同埋我簡international priority ,星期六果時係$206,岩先我再睇係$210,應該每日都隨匯率變動
我不是機械貓 2020-6-1 10:42:40 1 old passport
2 full birth (civil and hospital) or adoption certificate showing both the child’s and parents’ details
3 the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)
4 full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled

aisoai 2020-6-1 10:49:26 https://translate.google.com/
埃及文明 2020-6-1 11:03:47 你係就咁放埋出世紙副本落去?我見文件個list無要出世紙
我不是機械貓 2020-6-1 11:06:41 Google到就唔洗問啦

ななせまる。 2020-6-1 11:16:47 睇多次doc啦,有寫㗎
鼠B 2020-6-1 11:17:58 屋企人個document list係咁

Send the following:
- old passport✅
- full birth (civil and hospital) or adoption certificate showing both the child’s and parents’ details❗️(用左副本)
- the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)❌
- full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled✅

And 1 of the following that proves you changed your name:❌(無去宣誓)
- marriage or civil partnership certificate
- enrolled deed poll
- change of name deed
- statutory declaration
- affidavit

And 1 of the following from the last 12 months, that shows you’re using your new name: ❗️(用左銀行statement)
- letter from your employer
- driving licence
- medical card
- letter from your local council or a government department national identity card (a colour photocopy will do)
- voter’s card

And if not already provided from the list above, send 1 of the following that shows your name and address and/or residency, from the last 12 months: ❗️(同一張銀行statement)
- letter from your employer
- medical card
- letter from your local council or a government department voter’s card
- visa or residence permit (a colour photocopy will do) education record for example a school report
- immigration documents

Parents’ documents
Send either:❌(話唔見左)
- full birth or adoption certificates for both parents (showing both the child’s and parents’ details)
- father’s naturalisation or registration certificate
And you’ll also need to send the following:❌(話唔見左)
- parents’ marriage certificate

譚德塞 2020-6-1 11:18:31 我申請完無要求我down 副簽文件


離別苦 2020-6-1 11:21:25 我都係咁既case

s60 2020-6-1 11:36:13 有冇巴打有推薦既翻譯公司
前路白茫茫 2020-6-1 11:39:13 原來係咁,不過UPS都有優惠搞緊仲平啲,都係用UPS算
Arsene'Wenger 2020-6-1 11:40:41
ktc 2020-6-1 11:43:52 how much for UPS?
前路白茫茫 2020-6-1 11:46:41 啱啱睇0.5 kg最平做到約莫180,都係話兩三日到,加多10幾可以轉做當日12:00前到
今晚切 2020-6-1 11:54:36 睇doc
今晚切 2020-6-1 11:56:04 系統叫你交咩就交咩, 唔使比多文件佢

一陣HMPO 公務員收多咗你啲文件, 一來會整唔見, 二來佢地會用多咗時間
今晚切 2020-6-1 11:59:09 你會唔會係本舊BNO 03年後expire, 如果係就應該唔使, 因為近期有一大部份人都係咁
我不是機械貓 2020-6-1 12:02:52 所有非英國護照(彩色影印本)(如有)




酸民治日鮮 2020-6-1 12:04:01 唔係03年後過期,係03年後簽發
今晚切 2020-6-1 12:07:00 唔係呀, 以我所知, 最近係有一部人, 03年或之後到期, 無需副簽
小宅宅 2020-6-1 12:12:16 咁係用張白紙係文件前面注明?定係用例如皺紋膠紙mark低就得,係咪可以是但一樣仲之有mark佢地又清晰就ok?唔該晒
yyyoooonnnaaa 2020-6-1 12:13:28
遲左睇到依個post 俾左300幾