移民 加拿大 Express entry + PNP 討論 (2)
巴狗 2021-1-12 11:26:49 睇你應該30以下,去加拿大都易


路姆西個阿婆 2021-1-12 11:37:07 諗住用大學畢業生個個報 但係一直都未出
唔想申請BNO Visa住 好貴鬼
媽咪雞誕仔 2021-1-12 12:24:28
MwYPYn4ejvgTS4FH 2021-1-12 12:28:29 BIL, Passport 同 appointment letter就得

MwYPYn4ejvgTS4FH 2021-1-12 12:40:42 而家有copr都唔比入境,佢集中人手處理inland,我地呢啲Outland 等到2046啦,
dllmch1999 2021-1-12 15:14:11 啱啱AOR 揮手
唔知之前講個 priority for HK residents 會唔會 apply to EE PR applications
MwYPYn4ejvgTS4FH 2021-1-12 15:16:28 啱岩睇返


As part of business resumption priorities, IRCC has allocated resources to speed up processing of permanent residence applications, including for family sponsorship. This will benefit Hong Kong applicants. Spouses or common-law partners who have applied for permanent residence from within Canada can apply for an open work permit.

就咁睇應該會, 如果係有機會3月之前有CoPR
dllmch1999 2021-1-12 15:24:49 希望係啦 好想快啲走

三月拎埋個bonus 啱啱好
媽咪雞誕仔 2021-1-12 17:54:19
dllmch1999 2021-1-12 21:35:34
媽咪雞誕仔 2021-1-12 21:48:52


dllmch1999 2021-1-12 22:00:46
世界盡頭的我 2021-1-12 22:04:56 咁點解你覺得有得玩youth 逃生艇

認命去英國 遲下你真係乜都冇
乜東東芫茜䓤 2021-1-12 22:16:52 Ielts writing 6.5 其他全8 又要再考過 但係冇center開
路姆西個阿婆 2021-1-12 22:19:19 問題係Youth逃生艇幾時出
餓身嘗膽 2021-1-12 22:21:40 個人覺得當英國BNO VISA 一出+confirm details 之後,其他common wealth 就會跟
路姆西個阿婆 2021-1-12 22:22:59 望就咁望啦

係英國捱得好辛苦 想快啲過加拿大
1. 2021-1-12 23:20:15 點解英國捱得辛苦
廢老開心果 2021-1-12 23:59:35 爆post啦就

MwYPYn4ejvgTS4FH 2021-1-13 01:07:05 考celpip
MwYPYn4ejvgTS4FH 2021-1-13 01:07:52 開啦


廢老開心果 2021-1-13 01:31:13 我覺得有關ee既問題都8899啦,要搵個地方聚腳傾移民既出面另外有post了
巴狗 2021-1-13 10:00:10 因為lifeboat唔係得youth plan有留學plan有機啱洗
世界盡頭的我 2021-1-13 14:14:51 哩啲留學plan 一定中年人士都得啦
巴狗 2021-1-13 16:21:04 睇埋囉加拿大英國唔得我個行業可以去澳洲