黑蚊蚊 2020-8-14 00:30:35 係咪反彈喇


賈雨村 2020-8-14 01:19:20 納指雙頂喎
銀包得十蚊 2020-8-14 03:07:47 巴打會走一半留一半長hold?新手炒股成日遇到問題覺得升緊唔放覺得會再上eg net覺得要長渣再有得升,但到跌就好易被人震倉走變倒輸
MajesticMoore 2020-8-14 06:31:02 一早講左buy signal 入得
MajesticMoore 2020-8-14 06:59:31 其實好睇個別股份既,你好似明知Fastly 岀業績肯定大上大落,咁你唔賣而持有其實係賭錢,因為+/-10% 係基本,所以好睇自己,你寧願賺少左定賺變蝕,你個人容唔容易俾咁既波幅影響到,先決定點做,我本人係業績前就持有算,雖然CSCO INTC 我都有中伏,但係記住你諗好個plan 就記住做
TheBestRegard 2020-8-14 10:52:23 波動大果啲唔好諗長渣 記住唔好有感情,升到咁上下止賺就得
銀包得十蚊 2020-8-14 13:53:00 唔識睇圖搵位入,買都係長渣算
麵包係正餐 2020-8-14 16:33:06 重倉岩岩入左
子華神fans 2020-8-14 16:34:53 準備破埋上次頂位喇各位
MajesticMoore 2020-8-14 17:33:14 又係呢D升完先追,真係諗唔明,早幾日講哂buy signal 又唔買,真係唔明
麵包係正餐 2020-8-15 00:15:09 升到盡先追


無情筆 2020-8-15 00:18:25 Fsly 俾人調查

INVESTIGATION ALERT: The Schall Law Firm Announces it is Investigating Claims Against Fastly, Inc. and Encourages Investors with Losses of $100,000 to Contact the Firm
August 07, 2020 09:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Schall Law Firm, a national shareholder rights litigation firm, announces that it is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Fastly, Inc. (“Fastly” or “the Company”) (NYSE: FSLY) for violations of the securities laws.

The investigation focuses on whether the Company issued false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose information pertinent to investors.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss, click here to participate.

We also encourage you to contact Brian Schall of the Schall Law Firm, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 404, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 310-301-3335, to discuss your rights free of charge. You can also reach us through the firm's website at www.schallfirm.com, or by email at brian@schallfirm.com.

The class in this case has not yet been certified, and until certification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If you choose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

The Schall Law Firm represents investors around the world and specializes in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder rights litigation.

This press release may be considered Attorney Advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and rules of ethics.
MajesticMoore 2020-8-15 01:02:29 唔好追貨
賈雨村 2020-8-15 01:12:37 而家呢個價做SP幾好
炭治郎 2020-8-15 03:11:56 睇下次跌到咩位入得?之後睇幾多?
炭治郎 2020-8-15 03:13:50 因為冇講tiktok係自己客戶定咩?
MajesticMoore 2020-8-15 07:14:34 痴線,呢d lawsuit 日日都有,唔好亂post 啦
麵包係正餐 2020-8-15 12:27:53 首先要諗佢係由邊個位升到上黎
咩原因跌番落去(大事? 小事? 定不可逆轉?)


事實上, 無左一個客純粹係短期既事情
閒話一句 2020-8-15 19:40:42 https://softwarestackinvesting.com/fastly-fsly-q2-recap/
閒話一句 2020-8-15 23:05:35 加緊
MajesticMoore 2020-8-16 00:15:00 又係bullish 文就係好文


係香港工作死唔死 2020-8-19 17:06:01 人呢?
Mr__happy 2020-8-19 17:54:22
TVG達人 2020-8-19 18:51:07 我睇佢q2盤數都好靚 只係升得太多
閒話一句 2020-8-19 19:36:18 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4369174-reconnecting-fastly-trying-to-find-place-to-jump-on-speeding-train
呢期CLOUD股弱勢, 慢慢入