其實黑警高調巡邏同SS 點聚人? 一張圖提返你點破解
KongLui 2020-5-27 13:16:44 勁多放負狗


保險套餐 2020-5-27 13:17:04 每次聚到好多人

我叫做腦魔 2020-5-27 13:17:18 所以唔係連登仔廢,係連登仔冇共識,冇共識就冇宣傳

藤間桜 2020-5-27 13:17:28 最尾果段
吸濕大笨象揸支槍 2020-5-27 13:17:32 此回覆已被刪除
兒登恐懼L 2020-5-27 13:17:55
兒登恐懼L 2020-5-27 13:18:07 推推推
Econometrics 2020-5-27 13:18:45 bump
壽終正寢你老母 2020-5-27 13:20:50
StayFocused 2020-5-27 13:21:04 Younger folks may not have the patience to appreciate all these virtues! They have tons of passion and emotion. They may rather take non-calculated risks which cause them bigger trouble !

Hope that someone can truly remind them frequently and help them understand the treasure of safety and how to manage RISK !!

They should go home SAFE at the end of day!!!!!
藤間桜 2020-5-27 13:22:07 「前線唔睇連登」


香港發大財! 2020-5-27 13:22:47 此回覆已被刪除
RememberMe 2020-5-27 13:25:11 Push
pop子 2020-5-27 13:25:23
米奇老鼠安 2020-5-27 13:25:53 Poi’s
Mcgregor 2020-5-27 13:26:35 此回覆已被刪除
唔好屌!鼓勵! 2020-5-27 13:27:13 此回覆已被刪除
香奈兒 2020-5-27 13:27:17 push
影影影影影 2020-5-27 13:27:19 Agger

當實力差太大,不用太多話計劃,有聚有散,Be water,今日做唔到,就明天做,明天都唔得,仲有大後天,最怕大家心淡。
香奈兒 2020-5-27 13:27:42 戰術post push
西貢喬寶寶 2020-5-27 13:28:01 Push push


個肺甩甩甩甩 2020-5-27 13:28:11 此回覆已被刪除
shadowoftheday 2020-5-27 13:28:20
Picassoo 2020-5-27 13:29:29
pop子 2020-5-27 13:29:49