[AN/iOS]Smart home Device 智能家居討論區 (3)
蘋果耕種者 2021-2-1 10:48:33 有冇人個home app 有兩部apple tv 或以上?
唔知點解我點remove/logout 再入 都係add 唔到另一部apple tv 入home app

跟住外國啲solution 都唔得



鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-1 17:03:44
其實ikea 個hub 入面粒chip 係大過手指公少少,你可以拆粒chip 出來用。

IKK-train 2021-2-3 09:49:02 homekit自動化成唔行整homebridge會唔會好d?
鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-4 23:25:29 睇落home assistant 會好D
IKK-train 2021-2-5 11:46:00
買咗個raspberry pi裝唔到
鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-5 11:49:00 pi 幾? 我pi 2 都install 到,雖然佢話唔support.

但行python 應該好多都support.

IKK-train 2021-2-5 13:18:46 3b 裝果陣跟足佢教學都駁唔到網
鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-5 18:59:20 你跟佢個[教學](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/)?

Raspberry pi 暫時得python 3.7, 你試下由python3.8 轉用python3 來行。

IKK-train 2021-2-5 19:42:31 我跟後者做就我講咁樣
妖諗唔到呀 2021-2-8 13:18:23 啱啱開始玩smart home
set咗個google home同少量routine
大家有冇其他routine share下?
鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-8 15:00:28 咁有咩error? 冇python 3.8?


地盤佬個仔 2021-2-13 12:37:16 想問下。我既燈糟燈係咪只要加呢舊野就可以直接connect Google assistant 叫佢開關燈?唔駛再加咩網關既野?因為燈制太多線所以換唔到Wi-Fi制。

活力小肥肥 2021-2-13 13:32:24 c 兄我都係用佢,有冇得set 個面版長著?
CarryLam 2021-2-13 17:05:46 唔係好明IKEA 個操作係點

除左買個佢個閘道器 洗唔洗買埋個控制開關
此用户不存在 2021-2-13 17:22:06 最少要買一個開關/控制器
蘋果耕種者 2021-2-13 17:22:12 買左gateway = 可以用電話control
電話control 到就=可以用siri/google assistant control

實體remote 係有時for 你就手
CarryLam 2021-2-13 17:31:28 #615 咁姐係洗唔洗買佢個remote
我有鏟車牌 2021-2-13 17:46:14 唔使,有秘技
我有鏟車牌 2021-2-13 17:58:17 記憶中係插左個smarthub先(即係ikea outlet),將個gateway 放10~20cm附近,拆開gateway,有粒reset 制,搵針拮落去,會有一下聲,聽到等大約十秒,開埋ikea app,應該就會見到個outlet show 出黎,就可以pair 到

我屋企都咁樣做,咁做法$99.9 已經有個smarthub,好抵用
我有鏟車牌 2021-2-13 18:05:52 https://www.reddit.com/r/tradfri/comments/bddyjt/connect_trådrfi_outlet_possibly_other_products_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

To connect trådfri outlet to gateway without steering device:

1.Reset your trådfri outlet

Plug it in close proximity to your gateway (Mine was within 20cm). It should turn on with a visible LED indicator.

Use a paperclip or similar to hold down the reset switch that is close to the LED indicator

LED should start pulsing and you'll hear a click of the relay, remove the paperclip and wait for 5s or so, outlet is now ready to pair with Gateway or other steering device.

2. Link the outlet to the gateway

Hold down the pairing button on your gateway for 10s or so, found under the main lid, indicated by a chain-link icon. Don't confuse it with the reset switch.

You should see the LED on the outlet pulse differently and then stop pulsing.

Launch the app, you should get a notification saying 'control outlet found', with a 'rename' and 'OK' option. The app has acknowledged the existence of the new outlet, but will not allow you to control it yet. You might need to open settings first to see the notification.

3. Get the outlet to work in the app

Go to settings in the app. Beneath the rooms/groups you should now see a group called 'disconnected devices', your new outlet should be listed under it. It can be dragged from here to any existing room/group.

The app may ask you to press the link button on any existing steering device in that group - I'm not sure this is necessary as it seems to work without.

Go back to the main area of the app you should be able to find the new outlet and control it individually or as part of a larger group. I got mine to operate our Christmas tree lights as part of the main living room lighting.
Oops! 2021-2-13 22:06:13 冇架


Nightwing。夜翼 2021-2-14 04:31:07
地盤佬個仔 2021-2-16 14:28:14 想問下nature remo 本身有sensor,可唔可以因sensor去決定開關有Wi-Fi既電器?定係始終都要轉返去IR先用得?
條path可以咁嗎?nature remo ---> Google home mini ---> sonoff
鳩到用時方恨少 2021-2-16 14:34:56 你最少要有一個remote 先可以add 入去gateway.

你買咗gateway 之後, 咁個remote 就唔會跟你pair 個個。而係跟你ikea app 入面房間來排。一間房有一個remote.
刺青刻得更深 2021-2-16 14:46:12