英國政黨 tweet BNO 聯署呀 ~~
Aurum79 2020-5-23 08:18:21 呢個聯署係 Liberal Democrats Overseas 既 twitter 都有推
Hong Kong Bill 提案人 Alistair Carmichael MP 就係 Liberal Democrats,佢地都需要做勢




Aurum79 2020-5-23 08:19:31 https://www.change.org/p/uk-govt-uk-govt-introduce-alistair-carmichael-s-private-members-bill-on-hong-kong
Aurum79 2020-5-23 08:21:07 英澳加聯合聲明:

We are deeply concerned at proposals for introducing legislation related to national security in Hong Kong.

The legally binding Joint Declaration, signed by China and the UK, sets out that Hong Kong will have a high degree of autonomy. It also provides that rights and freedoms, including those of the person, of the press, of assembly, of association and others, will be ensured by law in Hong Kong, and that the provisions of the two UN covenants on human rights (the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) shall remain in force.

Making such a law on Hong Kong’s behalf without the direct participation of its people, legislature or judiciary would clearly undermine the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems
hohohohey 2020-5-23 08:21:32
RedPeter 2020-5-23 08:25:14
Ticket 2020-5-23 08:28:09
Aurum79 2020-5-23 08:41:26
阿仙尼雲加 2020-5-23 08:43:36 push
隻貓咬我咬返隻貓 2020-5-23 08:43:54
老閪 2020-5-23 08:48:16
寂寞如一顆冰 2020-5-23 08:50:18 簽咗先啦


賀你一城 2020-5-23 08:50:38 丟掉幻想, 大把和理非驚死 + 黑警戒嚴, 講大遊行果D只係一廂情願

限聚令豁免排隊, 黑警分唔到你係咪真排隊搭巴士
主力部隊集中去頭站, 只要頭站架架車滿載, 中途站上唔到車就可以排隊組人鏈
排到累去黃店抖吓, 差完電再排過
畫面夠靚, 岩哂和理非, 有機會上到國際頭版

時間無多, 認同請代開post及分享給身邊黃絲朋友
Aurum79 2020-5-23 09:15:25
唉又俾人掟落樓 2020-5-23 09:16:07 此回覆已被刪除
Podolski 2020-5-23 09:23:11 簽左
Ghoiohn 2020-5-23 09:39:40 簽左幾億次呢d
㪐㩿 2020-5-23 09:41:33
我會消失 2020-5-23 10:23:01 香港人好多野都做左好多次但未有結果
起碼有份聯署做證 呢樣野係有民意基礎
你睇親共派都識做下樣擺23條街站 話好多市民簽名支持啦
測你老母 2020-5-23 10:23:59 嘩, 簽得好快...
香港人, 加油...
豬柳強蟲蟲 2020-5-23 10:32:15 之前唔係有個國會議員有parliament 既聯署咩
楊洲看泱 2020-5-23 10:40:48 此回覆已被刪除


人多終勝 2020-5-23 10:41:38 Support
沙格拿(反愛) 2020-5-23 10:42:55
comsense 2020-5-23 10:43:43 此回覆已被刪除
風君子 2020-5-23 11:05:28 Support!