[ 行動 ] 香港人,星期日可唔可以再嚟一次一百萬?
StayFocused 2020-5-23 02:55:52 Are you kidding?
3 millions at least !!!


StayFocused 2020-5-23 02:58:54 Do you think Edison knows about the light bulb before that is invented?? How about Bill Gates on PC Windows ??

Lots of whatever you see today on earth ALL come out of impossible !!

Find out what's possible, then take one thing or one day AT A TIME!!

沉沒湖底欣賞月圓 2020-5-23 02:59:31 唔岩聽就網軍

首席感情分析師 2020-5-23 03:00:08 應該duck
全職港豬 2020-5-23 03:03:44 此回覆已被刪除
Xavi🐯 2020-5-23 03:07:32 好耐冇行街添
〖加密法】 2020-5-23 03:08:18
Const 2020-5-23 03:12:26 524 @ sogo
深紅之王 2020-5-23 03:13:51
Mario.Gotze 2020-5-23 03:14:39 此回覆已被刪除
Mario.Gotze 2020-5-23 03:17:56 此回覆已被刪除


深紅之王 2020-5-23 03:20:33
墮天使夜羽 2020-5-23 03:21:21 應該計選呢人數,呢個數外傭滯港支那人,係香港做野既鬼佬都計埋
沉沒湖底欣賞月圓 2020-5-23 03:21:23 實係做過d咩都要大大聲話晒比全世界人知先叫有做

深紅之王 2020-5-23 03:24:31
沉沒湖底欣賞月圓 2020-5-23 03:25:07
吾嬲你就假 2020-5-23 03:25:35 200萬再集結
沉沒湖底欣賞月圓 2020-5-23 03:26:08 香港獨立 唯一出路
Mario.Gotze 2020-5-23 03:26:59 此回覆已被刪除
做個發夢仔 2020-5-23 03:30:09 小心啊 唔好預先公告自己日程啊
毛毛蟲爬上電燈柱 2020-5-23 03:32:31 可以


坤沙拉末日 2020-5-23 03:34:11 聽日最後文宣衝刺
StayFocused 2020-5-23 03:37:46 Starting from the last 2 days, it sounds like all blue group, KOL, Lam Team ALL received the same order from someone or above and start telling HK people:

not to worry, everything is fine ( business as usual, society will get more peaceful, house price will get stable...) unless you belong to group that break the Security Law.

They have put LOTS of effort on Media !!!


StayFocused 2020-5-23 03:38:29 行街 is absolutely right !!!!!
深紅之王 2020-5-23 03:39:49