唔關我事,我mgt :^(
btw mgt好易下 :^(
Agger :^(
巴打你都係 :^(
mgt呢科有食書,吞書同識essay比到例子(設下例得架啦), 咁我估應該無死 :^(
btw希望5** 到啦mc錯6 題 :^(
Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
想問點解日圓appreciates against hkd,supply curve of no. of tours to JP will shift leftward?? (1條pp黎)
呢兩條我都唔係好明日元升值個影響 :^(
有無人會有整合版Definition? :^( :^(
關於點解LRAS 係vertical,點解As 向上 AD向下果啲問題 成日都變左作文題 :^( :^(
希望有巴打有 :^(
Why LRAS vertical:
In the long run:
- all prices are fully flexible
- All information is available to the market/perfect market information
- no misperception about price
So same level of real output at every price level, therefore it is flexible
驚影響心情唔好睇 :^(
facebook名校secrets copy過黎嘅
[2017DSE][LSC] 2017 DSE BAFS Paper 2A 試後分析
Section A
Q1 (Accounting principle) (難度:1/5)
伏位: 無
Q2 (Valuation of inventory) (難度:2/5)
伏位: Weighted average cost method 要計埋opening inventory
Q3 (Depreciation + Cost Accounting) (難度:3.5/5)
伏位: Actual production hour加埋係9,000, expected total production hour: 8,000, 計2016年depreciation要好小心
Section B
Q4 (Bank Reconciliation Statement) (難度: 3/5)
伏位: Item (i) 有stale cheque, item (iii) 同 (ix) 嘅處理方法
Q5 (Correction of error + Limited Company Ratio) (難度: 2.5/5)
伏位: 無
Q6 (Cost Accounting) (難度: 4.5/5)
伏位: 賣左9,600件貨,全年製造左12,000件貨,要留意Cost of goods sold同埋sales+commission要除啱數;Part c 要留意計兩種貨各自嘅Predetermined fixed production overhead absorption rate
Section C
Q7 (Inventory loss, Incomplete records) (難度: 5/5)
伏位: bank statement =/= cash at bank balance, unpresented cheque嘅處理,同舊年Section C Q9難度相若
Q8 (Partnership) (難度: 5/5)
伏位: part a equipment嘅cost會影響revaluation同埋capital account嘅數字,更會影響跟住part b appropriation account 嘅net loss adjustment同share of loss, 更會錯埋section e嘅capital account, 所謂牽一髮動全身,一個小錯就會影響全題20分
睇下自己中左幾多伏 :^( :^(
屌 回錯post :^(
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
咩import demand=market supply?
想問點解日圓appreciates against hkd,supply curve of no. of tours to JP will shift leftward?? (1條pp黎)
呢兩條我都唔係好明日元升值個影響 :^(
關唔關啲travel agency 搞tour嘅cost上升事? 如果係咁 就會令supply decrease?
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
咩import demand=market supply?
你話movement along demand curve唔係指進口需求咩? :^(
升值>>進口需求↓>> 進口貨supply ↓? 你係咪咁ge意思?
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
討論過,佢係unit of y axis
佢會影響 持有ge現金作為資產ge """量"""""
詳程睇前。。。。。10 頁到
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
咩import demand=market supply?
你話movement along demand curve唔係指進口需求咩? :^(
升值>>進口需求↓>> 進口貨supply ↓? 你係咪咁ge意思?
Price increase (movement along demand curve)
-> supply decrease
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
咩import demand=market supply?
你話movement along demand curve唔係指進口需求咩? :^(
升值>>進口需求↓>> 進口貨supply ↓? 你係咪咁ge意思?
Price increase (movement along demand curve)
-> supply decrease
哦屌,sor ,中英文讀有d代溝,明了
進口價↑ 咁 cost of production ↑ ,supply ↓
屌,原來我無諗錯ge, get錯sorry :^(
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
討論過,佢係unit of y axis
佢會影響 持有ge現金作為資產ge """量"""""
詳程睇前。。。。。10 頁到
我覺得重點係乜野導致interest rate升
如果係gov/central bank直接調高,咁就係movement along the same curve
如果係other factors導致ms/md郁而interest rate升,咁先會郁curve
[quote]Move along demand curve
->shift supply curve
下,原來咁架 :^(
即係 imported demand ↓
= market supply ↓??????
咩import demand=market supply?
你話movement along demand curve唔係指進口需求咩? :^(
升值>>進口需求↓>> 進口貨supply ↓? 你係咪咁ge意思?
Price increase (movement along demand curve)
-> supply decrease
哦屌,sor ,中英文讀有d代溝,明了
進口價↑ 咁 cost of production ↑ ,supply ↓
屌,原來我無諗錯ge, get錯sorry :^(
我對cost of production呢點有d質疑
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
討論過,佢係unit of y axis
佢會影響 持有ge現金作為資產ge """量"""""
詳程睇前。。。。。10 頁到
我覺得重點係乜野導致interest rate升
如果係gov/central bank直接調高,咁就係movement along the same curve
如果係other factors導致ms/md郁而interest rate升,咁先會郁curve
你other factor個下郁左curve之後導致interest rate ↑ 又郁多次curve? :^(
我覺得重點反而係 expected increase in nomian interest rate, 同inflationary expectation比較要知( 前10 頁到有討論)
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
Oc of holding money increase
-> hold less money
-> ma drop
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
Oc of holding money increase
-> hold less money
-> ma drop
咁係咪move along the curve?
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
Oc of holding money increase
-> hold less money
-> ma drop
咁係咪move along the curve?
Interest rate increase 會唔會影響 asset demand for money?
Oc of holding money increase
-> hold less money
-> ma drop
咁係咪move along the curve?
->shift supply curve