Btw tip題
1) why supply curve=mc curve?
2) why demand curve=mb curve?
3) why LRAS is vertical?
cliff :^(
:^( :^( :^(
LRAS vertical幾大機會 :^(
住年出ad downward sloping同sras upward sloping :^(
有無巴打講解下(1) 同(2)? :^(
想問下解釋LRAS vertical 要答邊幾嗰point?
想問下解釋LRAS vertical 要答邊幾嗰point?
In Long run, factor price and product price are fully flexible
When there is excess demand or supply of factors, factor price will increase or decrease to clear the market
Therefore, Y=Yf in the long run
想問下解釋LRAS vertical 要答邊幾嗰point?
In Long run, factor price and product price are fully flexible
When there is excess demand or supply of factors, factor price will increase or decrease to clear the market
Therefore, Y=Yf in the long run
Real output in the long run is determined by factors of production of the economy (labour, infrastructure etc)
Changes in price level will not affect the production capacity of the economy
想問下解釋LRAS vertical 要答邊幾嗰point?
In Long run, factor price and product price are fully flexible
When there is excess demand or supply of factors, factor price will increase or decrease to clear the market
Therefore, Y=Yf in the long run
Real output in the long run is determined by factors of production of the economy (labour, infrastructure etc)
Changes in price level will not affect the production capacity of the economy
好似仲有people have no misconception abt the price level :^(
percentage change in Q/percentage change in P
但係嗰Total Expenditure 變咗
即係個Ed唔係1 :^(
求巴絲指教 :^(
Cliff教點解lras vertical係畫咗好多條ad 之後畫咗好多條相應嘅sras :^( :^(
有冇人解釋下利率與債券既關係 :^( :^( :^(
dse econ :
interest rate drop, return for lending out money drop, fewer ppl lend out money, i.e. supply of bonds drops, bond price increases.
vice versa
點解唔係fewer people buy bonds->demand decrease? :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
Cliff教點解lras vertical係畫咗好多條ad 之後畫咗好多條相應嘅sras :^( :^(
我覺得巴打你好勁問咩都識 :^(果然係補過CLIFF :^( :^(
好驚臨場失準 上年MC 炒到得37題 :^( :^( :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
點解二會錯 係咪因為ad 跌-> price level & real output 跌 -> money demand shift leftwards 所以quantity demanded of money跌求各位指證 :^( :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
點解二會錯 係咪因為ad 跌-> price level & real output 跌 -> money demand shift leftwards 所以quantity demanded of money跌求各位指證 :^( :^(
(2) 唔係講緊cp咩? quantity demanded of money好似唔關cp事 :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
點解二會錯 係咪因為ad 跌-> price level & real output 跌 -> money demand shift leftwards 所以quantity demanded of money跌求各位指證 :^( :^(
(2) 唔係講緊cp咩? quantity demanded of money好似唔關cp事 :^(
咁cp點解會點跌 :^(
答案係咩, 我中學生,唔敢鳩答 :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
點解二會錯 係咪因為ad 跌-> price level & real output 跌 -> money demand shift leftwards 所以quantity demanded of money跌求各位指證 :^( :^(
(2) 唔係講緊cp咩? quantity demanded of money好似唔關cp事 :^(
咁cp點解會點跌 :^(
答案係咩, 我中學生,唔敢鳩答 :^(
想問下咩叫total amount of money held by public,則係ma?
點解二會錯 係咪因為ad 跌-> price level & real output 跌 -> money demand shift leftwards 所以quantity demanded of money跌求各位指證 :^( :^(
(2) 唔係講緊cp咩? quantity demanded of money好似唔關cp事 :^(
咁cp點解會點跌 :^(
原來係咁,唔該晒,同埋點解3啱ge ching[/quote]
transfer payment包埋比firms(eg sme)嘅subsidies