re良木 巴打: 暫時無,因為都幾易,有背書就岩晒。寫essay自問幾好 :^(
Qwhen gini coefficient equal to 0, which of the following is correct? :^(
a. The income distribution become perfectly even between different individual in the society.
b. quality of life increase
c. There is an existence of income disparity between different individuals in the society
d. The investment return of different individuals become more higher.
a. 社會內不同人之間收入分配完全平等
b. 生活素質上升
c. 社會內不同人之間可能存在收入不平等
d. 社會內的人的投資回報上升
唔好剩係答abcd, 比解釋,唔係唔知你衰咩同點解識 :^(
上網搵唔到 :^(
仲爭balance of payment同埋Elective one 嘅anti competotive behavior 就「學晒」成個econ
係學晒 唔係識晒
上網搵唔到 :^(
仲爭balance of payment同埋Elective one 嘅anti competotive behavior 就「學晒」成個econ
係學晒 唔係識晒
上http://dse00.blogspot.hk睇啦 都幾齊下 小卒data嘅整合版
上網搵唔到 :^(
仲爭balance of payment同埋Elective one 嘅anti competotive behavior 就「學晒」成個econ
係學晒 唔係識晒
上http://dse00.blogspot.hk睇啦 都幾齊下 小卒data嘅整合版
睇晒啦 65%係lv3嘅最頂點黎架巴打 全部都係由laforum度睇番黎嘅其實其他網站
2014年lv3 data得2條友 都係65.3%
再上已經係65.9% lv4 cutoff line
唔好放棄啊清65% 唔難攞,爆操paper 2 背marking easy job :^( :^(
唔好放棄啊清65% 唔難攞,爆操paper 2 背marking easy job :^( :^(
有題佢問咩情況底下buyer tax burden>seller tax burden 跟住我on99咁諗左buyer=producer.....
然黎整條elastic demand 最後成條錯晒無左5分 :^( :^(
Btw是要lv3炸 65%唔係cut off line黎
唔好剩係比ans , 講下大家點諗出黎,等其他巴打學下野當呢題LQ :^(
( 其實我係等有人答岩晒之後偷懶唔洗講解) :^(
唔好剩係比ans , 講下大家點諗出黎,等其他巴打學下野當呢題LQ :^(
( 其實我係等有人答岩晒之後偷懶唔洗講解) :^(
嘩 ,仲諗住難下大家tim :^(
唔洗到聽日已被秒殺 :^(
唔好剩係比ans , 講下大家點諗出黎,等其他巴打學下野當呢題LQ :^(
( 其實我係等有人答岩晒之後偷懶唔洗講解) :^(
嘩 ,仲諗住難下大家tim :^(
唔洗到聽日已被秒殺 :^(
sor ,頭先打錯晒條題目,晒左巴打們時間
總之想講ge係,government intervention入面, quota比tax更有效管制quantity
1. quota係restricted by law
2. quota唔受ed影響
如果畫條 打直ge demand, 你就會明
問埋今日最後一條, 聽日開估。
q: Under what circumstances would the realised real interest rate be lower than the expected inflation rate ?
A. Nominal interest rate is higher than the expected inflation rate
B. Realised real interest rate is lower than the real interest rate
C. Expected real interest rate is lower than the actual inflation rate
D. Domestic currency depreciates at the time interest rate realise.
中文版: 於下列那情條件下。真實的實質利率會低於預期的通脹率?
A. 名義利率 > 預期通脹率
B. 真實的實質利率 < 真實通脹率
C. 預期實質利率 < 真實通脹率
D. 本地貨幣於利率被實現時眨值
btw絕對無out syl :^(
我諗無咁快秒到ge :^(
答到又比到岩ge解釋先當岩 :^(
喂sorr啊 :^(
英文 a改返deflation rate inflation rate
answer is C
realized real=nominal - actual inflation
expected inflation =nominal - expected real
expected real < actual inflation, then expected inflaion > realized real
屌,既然比人秒左,唔差左講解埋啦屌 :^( :^(
ans c is correct
let i = nominal interest rate
r(e) = expexted real interest rate
p(e) = expected inflation rate
r(a) = actual real interest rate
p(a) = actual inflation rate
(solving the simultaneous equation as follows) :^(
i= r(e) + p(e)..........1
i=r(a) + p(a)............2
combining 1,2
r(e) + p(e) = r(a) + p(a)
r(a) = p(e) + r(e) - p(a)
hence, by question r(a) < p(e)
i. e. ( p(e) 要 加一舊 "負數" 先做就到pe>ra)
r(e) - p (a) < 0
r(e) < p(a)
therefore, when actual inflation rate > expected real interest rate, actual interest rate < expected inflation rate.
加左兩句咁 :^(
所以呢我之前講話當廢沙有兩條equation唔係無原因 :^(
屌,既然比人秒左,唔差左講解埋啦屌 :^( :^(
ans c is correct
let i = nominal interest rate
r(e) = expexted real interest rate
p(e) = expected inflation rate
r(a) = actual real interest rate
p(a) = actual inflation rate
(solving the simultaneous equation as follows) :^(
i= r(e) + p(e)..........1
i=r(a) + p(a)............2
combining 1,2
r(e) + p(e) = r(a) + p(a)
r(a) = p(e) + r(e) - p(a)
hence, by question r(a) < p(e)
i. e. ( p(e) 要 加一舊 "負數" 先做就到pe>ra)
r(e) - p (a) < 0
r(e) < p(a)
therefore, when actual inflation rate > expected real interest rate, actual interest rate < expected inflation rate.
加左兩句咁 :^(
所以呢我之前講話當廢沙有兩條equation唔係無原因 :^(
fisher equation點會難 :^(