其實quota 中間係叫quota rent 定out-syl?
re良木 巴打: 暫時無,因為都幾易,有背書就岩晒。寫essay自問幾好 :^(
Qwhen gini coefficient equal to 0, which of the following is correct? :^(
a. The income distribution become perfectly even between different individual in the society.
b. quality of life increase
c. There is an existence of income disparity between different individuals in the society
d. The investment return of different individuals become more higher.
a. 社會內不同人之間收入分配完全平等
b. 生活素質上升
c. 社會內不同人之間可能存在收入不平等
d. 社會內的人的投資回報上升
唔好剩係答abcd, 比解釋,唔係唔知你衰咩同點解識 :^(
q. imposing an import____ is more effective as the _____ can be better controlled in any situation.
A. tariff .........quality
b. tariff...... quantity
c. quota....quality
d. quota....quantity
實行一進口____ 更為有效,因為______ 能夠於任何情況中被更有效地操控。
A. 關税。。。 質素
B. 關稅。。。數量
C. 配額。。。質素
D. 配額。。。 數量
麻煩比解釋 :^(
q. imposing an import____ is more effective as the _____ can be better controlled in any situation.
A. tariff .........quality
b. tariff...... quantity
c. quota....quality
d. quota....quantity
實行一進口____ 更為有效,因為______ 能夠於任何情況中被更有效地操控。
A. 關税。。。 質素
B. 關稅。。。數量
C. 配額。。。質素
D. 配額。。。 數量
麻煩比解釋 :^(
D 直接限左個數量 仲邊有走盞 :^(
C都係有咁嘅可能性only 唔一定
AB更加 :^( :^(
做個統計 大家揀e1定e2 :^(
In e2 we trust
Agger :^(
但原來多d人揀e1 :^(
做個統計 大家揀e1定e2 :^(
In e2 we trust
Agger :^(
但原來多d人揀e1 :^(
both e1,e2 :^(
入到去e1, 有信心就e1,2 就2 :^(
btw巴打答下上面d問題好wo :^(
q. imposing an import____ is more effective as the _____ can be better controlled in any situation.
A. tariff .........quality
b. tariff...... quantity
c. quota....quality
d. quota....quantity
實行一進口____ 更為有效,因為______ 能夠於任何情況中被更有效地操控。
A. 關税。。。 質素
B. 關稅。。。數量
C. 配額。。。質素
D. 配額。。。 數量
麻煩比解釋 :^(
做個統計 大家揀e1定e2 :^(
In e2 we trust
Agger :^(
但原來多d人揀e1 :^(
both e1,e2 :^(
入到去e1, 有信心就e1,2 就2 :^(
btw巴打答下上面d問題好wo :^(
要温bafs呀 :^(
q. imposing an import____ is more effective as the _____ can be better controlled in any situation.
A. tariff .........quality
b. tariff...... quantity
c. quota....quality
d. quota....quantity
實行一進口____ 更為有效,因為______ 能夠於任何情況中被更有效地操控。
A. 關税。。。 質素
B. 關稅。。。數量
C. 配額。。。質素
D. 配額。。。 數量
麻煩比解釋 :^(
The most distinctive difference btw tariff and quota is the certainty of quantity control. Quota can better control the quantity as it fixed by law. The effect of a tariff, on the other hand may be affected by price elasticity. For example , theoretically.,when the demand is perfectly inelastic, tariff may have no effect
試下畫圖, 當d打直,tariff係無佢收。但quota就唔同 , 無視Ed直接攻擊supply
同埋 quota is fixed by law, 絕對性問題( 較次要)