Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.
咁都得? :^(
Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.大部分都係咁寫嫁
咁都得? :^(
Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.
咁都得? :^(
Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.
咁都得? :^(
Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.
咁都得? :^(
Their committee claimed that I was “a strong candidate,” and they were certain I had “already received offers from many other strong programs.
咁都得? :^(
今日4月15 美帝之後仲會唔會有offer出 :^( :^(
有機會, 不過好學校應該收齊人唔會再出
我五月尾/六月中 :^(
今日4月15 美帝之後仲會唔會有offer出 :^( :^(
有機會, 不過好學校應該收齊人唔會再出
我五月尾/六月中 :^(