[本地足球] 2019/20 港超聯、亞協及香港隊世盃外討論區 (79)
鼠B 2020-5-25 12:29:09 As a country, Major grew fond of one of the busiest hot-spots in Asia which was why events such as the ugly protests that gripped the streets due to rising tensions with China upset the Aussie.

“It was quite sad to see these protests just because Hong Kong has became a second home to me so to see the whole country affected and so passionate about something like that was crazy.

“I got quite lucky in the sense that where I lived, nothing directly affected my surroundings but it definitely became hard in terms of transport and we even had a game cancelled because there was scheduled protests around where our match was supposed to be held.”



嘉殷點睇 2020-5-25 12:29:58
大埔M子 2020-5-25 12:37:05 Now back at his old stomping ground temporarily, Major has continued to train as well as work-out albeit with the help of his girlfriend.

“We’ve got a little gym setup at my girlfriend’s house happening so we do a weight session out there everyday and then in the evening I go for a 5-7km run – I’m just trying to stay fit so I don’t need to get fit whenever my pre-season rolls around.”
大埔M子 2020-5-25 12:38:33 “At the moment, it’s still a possibility to return to play in Hong Kong but right now I’m exploring all other options in other leagues, it may be time to start a new challenge in a new country.”
鼠B 2020-5-25 12:42:23 無理由港超無隊要
祖樂比 2020-5-25 12:43:25 無良柏仲唔快啲簽返佢,可以同警方拍抗疫健身vol. 2
黃威 2020-5-25 12:49:10 Sosad留左4年仲以為佢會入籍
文青埔 2020-5-25 12:53:03 我就話佢跟達蛇
最上靜香 2020-5-25 13:10:20 可以同埋曹星如一齊練跑
方皓玟 2020-5-25 13:12:10 係咪準備退出今季

羅曉聰 2020-5-25 13:13:09 身高近兩米的土炮小將吳以琛,經歷兩年士砵亭青年軍跟操歲月後,近日其歐盟居留申請獲批,正式加盟士砵亭U19,並以此為踏腳石,劍指葡超。






港超一定好 2020-5-25 13:15:49 下季都係未知數
毀屍函 2020-5-25 13:15:53 寧願多100個俊立 都唔想要一個柏文
港超一定好 2020-5-25 13:16:27
毀屍函 2020-5-25 13:20:22 More
大埔M子 2020-5-25 13:21:30 Delay no more
羅曉聰 2020-5-25 13:31:53 (星島日報報道)和富大埔近期的拖欠薪金風波,隨着榮譽主席蔡尚圻上月借出七位數字現金看似落幕。不過,該隊秘書長陳平昨承認,目前只能向球員發放三月的六成薪水,坦言球會前景不明朗。

羅曉聰 2020-5-25 13:33:27 大埔唔會亞協無錢踢ma

港超一定好 2020-5-25 13:34:53 傑志係最大利益者
華杜斯 2020-5-25 13:38:18
羅曉聰 2020-5-25 13:48:07 可以講係直出線


最上靜香 2020-5-25 14:24:55 又隻手遮天
一鎚定音 2020-5-25 14:27:06 香港佩斯寶
大埔M子 2020-5-25 14:40:19 香港超級聯賽 Hong Kong Premier League
傑志李毅凱(4號) 2020-5-25 15:25:06 宏大無真波打,上邊又斷銀根,咁大埔咪無左條水喉囉