[DC綜合 #10] 又Synder Cut?
JoKer29 2020-8-12 11:48:27 未知


傷膝青年 2020-8-12 11:51:50 有個新比例 好似大過imax 左右黑邊
無敵大雞巴 2020-8-12 11:56:38 但係電視睇只會細左
JoKer29 2020-8-12 11:58:34 係 佢係1.43:1比例
imax原畫 上下都多左畫面睇
邦拿 2020-8-13 11:07:33 Cyborg 又開火,屌GJ
迷亭雨煙 2020-8-13 12:39:00 此回覆已被刪除
阿阿阿阿閃 2020-8-13 12:42:32 佢本身唔係電影演員 唔怕屌完比人封殺
TheDarkKnight 2020-8-13 15:36:26

柴娃娃 2020-8-14 03:09:52 我覺得BVS個比例似電影多啲
休斯 2020-8-14 22:59:23 DC fandome lineup 已出
邦拿 2020-8-14 23:01:31 等訓醒再睇


休斯 2020-8-14 23:02:09 1:00pm ET - Wonder Woman 1984 panel with Gadot, Pine, Wiig, Pascal, and Jenkins. Hall of Heroes.
1:00pm ET - The Flash TV series panel. WatchVerse.
1:30pm ET - Warner Bros. Montreal Game Announcement. Hall of Heroes.
1:45pm ET - Black Lightning panel with cast. WatchVerse.
2:45pm ET - The Flash panel with Miller and Muschietti. Hall of Heroes.
3:00pm ET - The Suicide Squad panel with cast and director. Hall of Heroes.
3:00pm ET - Legends of Tomorrow panel with cast. WatchVerse.
4:15pm ET - Doom Patrol panel with cast. WatchVerse.
5:00pm ET- Suprise DC Comics Panel. Hall of Heroes.
5:45pm ET - The Snyder Cut of Justice League panel with Zack Snyder. Hall of Heroes.
6:00pm ET - Black Adam panel with Dwayne Johnson + surprises. Hall of Heroes.
6:45pm ET - Title to be announced - new movie? Hall of Heroes.
7:00pm ET - Aquaman panel with James Wan, Patrick Wilson. Hall of Heroes.
7:15pm ET - Superman: Man of Tomorrow world premiere. WatchVerse.
7:30pm ET - Shazam! panel with Zachary Levi and more. Hall of Heroes.
8:00pm ET - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game panel. Hall of Heroes.
8:00pm ET - Lucifer panel with directors and producers. WatchVerse.
9:30pm ET - The Batman panel with Matt Reeves + surprises. Hall of Heroes.
9:45pm ET - Stargirl panel with cast + Geoff Johns. WatchVerse.
10:30pm ET- Batwoman panel with cast and EPs. WatchVerse.
11:15pm ET- Harley Quinn panel withh Cuoco, Bell, Funches, Oberrg, Tudyk, and more. WatchVerse.
12:30am ET - Batman: Three Jokers panel with Johns and Fabok. WatchVerse.
傷膝青年 2020-8-14 23:02:54 The Snyder Cut of Justice League
2:45PM (Encores at 10:45pm, 6:45AM, 8:15AM)
Hall of Heroes
Zack Snyder fields questions from fans and a few surprise guests as he discusses his eagerly awaited upcoming cut of the 2017 feature film and the movement that made it happen. (25 min)
野原雞之助 2020-8-15 11:55:44

澤囝救樂壇 2020-8-15 12:24:39 宜家正義聯盟得超人無電影
塵慮縈心 2020-8-15 12:27:20 cyborg 都無
澤囝救樂壇 2020-8-15 12:28:45 但超人地位高好多 點解搞到宜家wfc
迷亭雨煙 2020-8-15 12:37:32 此回覆已被刪除
傷膝青年 2020-8-15 12:46:01 傳cyborg有hbomax劇
塵慮縈心 2020-8-15 13:09:49 綠燈俠係咪都有劇
shazam 有埋續集 black adam
野原雞之助 2020-8-15 13:18:06 zack套喪屍片又要重拍


野原雞之助 2020-8-15 13:19:06 個人電影黎講 仍然最鐘意man of steel
傷膝青年 2020-8-15 13:24:35 綠燈劇講咗有
傷膝青年 2020-8-15 13:26:15 mos英雄片最正
阿阿阿阿閃 2020-8-15 18:53:07 DC fandom 許願區

1) Ben Affleck Solo Batman film
2) Zack Snyder JL2
3) MOS2
