[DC綜合 #10] 又Synder Cut?
Ca2aco 2020-7-7 18:03:46 此回覆已被刪除


阿阿阿阿閃 2020-7-9 10:00:24

傷膝青年 2020-7-9 10:25:18 cw啫
王下七武海 2020-7-9 11:11:43 又黑人又bisexual
64457 2020-7-9 11:30:30
基矢准 2020-7-9 12:44:59 岩岩係fb睇大把鬼佬打撚哂飛機
肥肝 2020-7-9 20:37:38 當睇唔到
不該出生的人 2020-7-10 23:04:40 換角

休斯 2020-7-11 03:34:26 Gotham 出劇

同The batman同一宇宙觀
休斯 2020-7-11 03:39:43 全盛時期HBO max究竟有幾多dc平行宇宙

DC Universe 劇
The Batman spin off 劇
CW 劇
Green lantern 劇
Snyder cut
Ca2aco 2020-7-11 06:53:24 此回覆已被刪除


Damian_W 2020-7-11 08:38:21 如果係改篇Gotham City Central就正
阿阿阿阿閃 2020-7-11 08:39:23 Warner Bros. Television announced on Friday that it will be launching a new GCPD series on HBO Max set in the same world as the upcoming The Batman film. The series will mark the first project under Mat Reeves new television development deal with Warner Bros. Terence Winter – creator of Boardwalk Empire – will serve as writer with Dylan Clark signed on as a producer.

迷亭雨煙 2020-7-11 08:42:17 此回覆已被刪除
不該出生的人 2020-7-11 08:59:09 舊gotham完左出新無所謂啦
休斯 2020-7-11 09:19:19 好似真係
阿阿阿阿閃 2020-7-11 10:38:53 As previously reported by TCN, both Zack Snyder’s Justice League and David Ayer’s Suicide Squad are being prepared for release on HBO Max. While Justice League has been greenlit, with a release date in 2021, Suicide Squad is still waiting for official confirmation.

Sources close to TCN have confirmed within the last week that the VFX work on Suicide Squad is progressing, and have given us an update in regards to the plan for adding in new footage to organically merge with David Ayer’s previously shot scenes.

Ca2aco 2020-7-11 12:43:05 此回覆已被刪除
Ca2aco 2020-7-11 12:44:08 此回覆已被刪除
休斯 2020-7-11 12:45:25 個joker 幾正
Ca2aco 2020-7-11 12:52:09 此回覆已被刪除


啜地 2020-7-13 11:48:29 此回覆已被刪除
休斯 2020-7-15 22:56:34 仆你個街 真係俾Tom King 寫 Rorschach
Damian_W 2020-7-15 22:58:39
淨寫12期嘅Tom King可以一戰
咪咁痴線啦你 2020-7-16 01:54:33 Doomday clock有合集未?