福斯的背叛 2020-7-12 00:08:41 美國+20058 Confirmed,Total:3311844
+278 deaths,Total:136949
Confirmed cases already above總人口既1%


鈴木醬 2020-7-12 00:12:54 1411同1412係海員黎
活著只因幸運 2020-7-12 00:56:13 此回覆已被刪除
DCC001 2020-7-12 01:07:44 估唔到香港人守得噤勁,

DCC001 2020-7-12 01:09:34 1270萬人中招



基諾維施特 2020-7-12 01:12:39
沒人 2020-7-12 01:13:22 美國係咪傻撚左, 好似仲係咩都唔做咁
非人類基因統合體 2020-7-12 01:22:46 咁要睇香港人防疫意識點
香港一定得 2020-7-12 01:30:56 變左風土病 唔會完架啦
活著只因幸運 2020-7-12 01:31:27 此回覆已被刪除
沒人 2020-7-12 01:34:54 集體無味覺嗅覺


辛坦拿杜尼 2020-7-12 01:37:43 無味覺嗅覺都係暫時啫,之後會有返,睇返呢幾日香港既個案,大部份都冇病徵,有既都係發燒同咳,好似冇話失去味覺嗅覺,而家病徵真係變到同感冒冇乜分別,只係傳染力強得多
活著只因幸運 2020-7-12 01:43:35 此回覆已被刪除
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-7-12 06:16:58 我地俾香港過去「假既22日冇本地感染
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-7-12 06:28:48 叫「驚閪」班人自己感染下中蟈肺炎先講野
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-7-12 07:12:25 → woodgatel: 就人口比例和傳播源 香港比東京更嚴重 07/12 01:13
→ kuma660224: 疫情穩住的抗薩戰友又少了一個 07/12 01:38
→ kuma660224: 希望不要太嚴重 香港已經夠倒楣了 07/12 01:39
→ seekor: 香港澳洲陸續淪陷。第2,3輪了,大家應該比 07/12 01:46
→ seekor: 較有經驗該如何應對,加油 07/12 01:46
推 Lucy0920: 香港加油......一波未平 一波又起唉... 07/12 02:42
推 yupei: 香港人辛苦了,該死的不死…… 07/12 02:43
→ ji394xu3: 香港真是多事之秋 07/12 05:59

作者Tearly605 (大主教堤爾莉)
標題[新聞] 香港新增29例武漢肺炎確診 官員坦言較3
時間Sun Jul 12 01:06:41 2020
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-7-12 07:17:36 我開始明佢地諗咩
當你睇見澳洲同香港守到咁緊,差少少冇 case 變爆番上黎
不過美國人好彩,政府買鳩晒全世界 remdesivir
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-7-12 07:20:36 It’s a similar story around the world. One by one, every place that seemed almost on top of COVID-19 is beginning to topple. Hong Kong is experiencing a third resurgence of the virus. Tokyo is contending with another flare-up. It’s a similar story in Singapore, South Korea and Israel.

Is anywhere safe? Is it inevitable that the virus will return to your community?

“It is possible there has already been seeding of infection to other states, and silent epidemic growth which has not yet been detected,” warns Professor Riana MacIntyre of the UNSW Kirby Institute. “I would not be surprised to see epidemics detected in NSW and other states within the next few weeks. People all over Australia must accept the gravity of the situation and play their part.”


This time, it’s different. The virus is entrenched in Victoria’s community.

It’s no longer a matter of border control. It’s not just about quarantining overseas and interstate travellers and checking the handful of people they’ve been in contact with.

Now, it could come from anywhere. It could be a doorknob. It could be a poorly ventilated bar. It could be from the queue at the checkout. It could be in a hug or kiss from family or friends.

Worse, you probably won’t know you’ve got it for about 10 days. Sometimes, you may be carrying and spreading the virus without knowing at all. Which, experts say, it’s highly likely COVID-19 has already piggybacked Australia’s recent relaxations of restrictions across state borders.
“The situation we are in is more serious than late March, because we have community transmission, which is much harder to track than infection in returned travellers,” Prof MacIntyre says.
肥_仔 2020-7-12 07:25:47 問題係換咗做香港嘅話會變成支藥嘅白老鼠呢
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-7-12 07:33:26 Vaccine 試驗場

我有畀你屌架! 2020-7-12 07:44:31 仲要有啲游水同做gym


ee-fi_wg仔 2020-7-12 08:08:41 澳洲加油
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-7-12 08:13:49 香港用支蟈疫苗就有份
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-7-12 08:17:19 好明顯啦
之前解放軍試緊,好撚多人有 side effect
屌佢老母一陣又話關照香港人俾你地第一手疫苗,到時強制打疫苗就 gg
肥_仔 2020-7-12 10:13:04 凍肉國總統府超過100人奶嘢