我們一起學喵叫 2020-10-8 02:30:11 覺得成世都要戴口罩


広島山口県 2020-10-8 09:10:18
活著只因幸運 2020-10-8 12:16:30 此回覆已被刪除
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 12:55:25 真 戴眼鏡既又係
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 12:56:51 On99 平時香港人99%都疲勞啦


HaHaHello 2020-10-8 12:57:27 Even Europe's gold standard nations are struggling with Covid surges, and it's not winter yet

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Controls (ECDC), as of Wednesday, none of the 31 EU, EEA and UK countries it reports data on are reporting fewer than 20 cases per 100,000 people over the past 14 days, a threshold many experts recognize as cause for alarm.

The three worst-affected nations are the Czech Republic, which reported 346.1 cases per 100,000, Spain, which has 305 cases per 100,000 and the Netherlands, which recorded 270.2 per 100,000.

Ireland, another country which had been applauded for getting cases to near zero while infections soared elsewhere, was registering 112.8 cases per 100,000 as of Wednesday. This spike has been sudden, as reported cases have surged from around 100 a day to over 400 in less than a month.

Even Iceland -- which appeared over the summer to have almost eliminated the virus -- has introduced new measures that will see gyms, pubs, restaurants and nightclubs close. A recent surge has taken Iceland's cases per 100,000 to 185.4.
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 12:59:26 不過這類研究只專注於病得嚴重到需要入院治療的少數患者。

笑撚死 繼續散播恐懼啦
我識親中左既人好返都完全冇事 呢啲唔計 計極少數跳得1cm既人

傷子情歌 2020-10-8 13:00:36 得12%患者在30天後仍有症狀
仲要輕微既都計 平時香港人都疲勞 我而家都流緊鼻水啦 食完熱氣野都喉嚨痛啦傻閪
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 13:02:16 繼續同傳媒一齊有咁大吹咁大

人地傳媒就為eye catching 點擊率
HaHaHello 2020-10-8 13:05:30 16,447 new cases (new daily record) and 399 new deaths in Argentina

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2020-10-8 13:07:10 18,746 new cases (new daily high) and 80 new deaths in France

Keep worsening.


HaHaHello 2020-10-8 13:08:06 14,162 new cases and 70 new deaths in the United Kingdom

Remain at the peak.
HaHaHello 2020-10-8 13:11:56 3,577 new cases (new daily high) and 16 new deaths in Belgium

Keep worsening.
真夏の気圧配置 2020-10-8 14:43:04 東京都 新型コロナ 新たに248人感染確認 200人超は10月3日以来
老屈- 2020-10-8 14:59:39 France over 1% population
Oman over 2% population
HaHaHello 2020-10-8 16:36:40 5,397 new cases and 93 new deaths in Ukraine

Both are new daily highs. Keep worsening.
山竹與飛燕 2020-10-8 17:02:43 好耐未見過單日死亡創新高
冷氣軍師2.0 2020-10-8 17:50:04 此回覆已被刪除
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 18:11:43 https://udn.com/news/story/120944/4912526

傷子情歌 2020-10-8 18:11:57 高估
傷子情歌 2020-10-8 18:12:41 55歲以下、冇長期病患根本唔會死
一開頭39歲果個係例外 好大機會醫療事故意外


Casemiro14 2020-10-8 19:46:33 唔會啦 最後應該都係just a flu
辛坦拿杜尼 2020-10-9 01:09:31

死亡數: 3
重症數: 143
DCC001 2020-10-9 02:26:04 10月9日



HaHaHello 2020-10-9 10:54:51 World:
+348,630 new daily cases.
New world record!