儲熊仔 2020-6-27 23:14:51 認真 如果有得試完先買就好


梨珍鳩笑 2020-6-28 00:30:05 就頭先我第一次用月經杯(Organic cup size mini),放入去後有少少異物感我覺得只係未慣可接受,但妹妹用力時個杯就向上移位,移到我要伸手入妹妹先摸到支stem,我冇理照試15分鐘。之後準備除出黎個陣發現個杯又移上咗,入咗好多,同埋有漏出黎。
想知係擺得唔好定點....係唔係呢個size對我黎講太細.. 求建議
黃絲打 2020-6-28 12:25:39 試多幾次啦
Twice朴志效 2020-6-28 12:59:52 用開棉條 流量少就用m巾
近排啲血量好極端 頭兩日好多血 第三日就冇咩血
第二日用ob量多型既棉條成日漏m 試過用左2個鐘左右換都漏


黃絲打 2020-6-28 19:44:57 尿沾到棉線都係一個難題,無乜方法解決
太空明王 2020-6-28 23:46:46 留名學野
太空明王 2020-6-28 23:50:24 做女仔原來咁辛苦
黃絲打 2020-6-28 23:50:47 好慘
小腩肉 2020-6-29 02:28:27 此回覆已被刪除
熱撚水 2020-6-29 10:55:34 用大脾夾住 或者 手喺前面輕輕拎住得唔得?

prokofiev 2020-6-29 16:16:16 My friend Celine is on her period so she cannot have cold drinks, coffee, tomatoes and ice cream right now. Her aunt flow is visiting. She has painful cramps right now so she's going to take a day of period leave. Her sister also feels bloated which means her period is going to come soon. She's had stomach cramps recently too but her period is late this month; it's one and a half weeks late. Today, she's being so emotional as it's that time of the month again. Her cousin Jane missed her period so she might be pregnant. Her cousin's husband did his leg workout this morning during which he overtrained his legs so he's got cramps in his legs and right foot. Celine's brother will be attending a party this weekend but I won't be going with him for fear that I should cramp his style. I don't wanna put any pressure on him that would cramp his style. I don't want him to be under pressure which would cramp his style.


黃絲打 2020-6-30 17:43:04 我第一次用杯,
埃冬撈屈柒 2020-7-1 04:47:55 用咗棉條2年左右
黃絲打 2020-7-1 14:56:12 陰道有彈性,照計大細杯都fit
2020-7-2 11:29:19 之前用綿條坐係到覺得頂住頂住唔舒適,但企係到又無咩野,係米我放得唔好?
另外新手想試下用CUP,見D人推介SJ同Lady cup,有無咩好建議
黃絲打 2020-7-2 11:30:23 正確放入棉條,無論坐定企都係完全feel唔到佢嘅存在
prokofiev 2020-7-2 14:57:57 My friend Susannah is on her period so she cannot have cold drinks, coffee, tomatoes and ice cream right now. Her aunt flow is visiting. She has bad stomach cramps right now so she's taken two days of menstrual leave. Her sister feels bloated as well which means her period is gonna come soon. She's had painful cramps recently too but her period is late this month; it's one week late. She's been so emotional lately as it's that time of the month again. Her cousin Shirley missed so she might be pregnant. Her cousin's husband did his arm workout this evening during which he overtrained his triceps and biceps so he has a cramp in his arms. Susanna's brother will be attending a party on the weekend but I wknt be going with him to the party for fear of cramping his style. I don't want to put any pressure on him that would cramp his style. I don't want him to be under pressure which would cramp his style.
Joji.Miller 2020-7-3 19:23:26 Femmycycle 個杯好淋難打開
砂の惑星 2020-7-7 19:32:39 第一次用所以買咗femmycycle嚟試
但個杯真係太軟 搞咗好耐都打唔開

Joji.Miller 2020-7-8 11:55:45 我第一隻用既係Fleur cup
價錢係我買嘢個到最平個隻杯 (~$180)

ATeam 2020-7-8 12:04:33 用左杯好幾年


砂の惑星 2020-7-9 01:55:33 唔該晒

撒哈拉蛋撻王子 2020-7-9 02:04:41 就係想排血出嚟,塞住左啲流唔到出嚟係身體入拗?
撒哈拉蛋撻王子 2020-7-9 02:05:25 個處無咗
静かの海で 2020-7-9 02:39:35