[男人的浪漫 26Nokia Connecting People 白卡任何淫與狗不得內進
eunjungbaby 2020-5-18 22:17:18 咁睇影相應該快過4.2, 咁我都收貨


M78已死 2020-5-19 17:29:32 8.3消失,9.3無限postpone,咁HMD你不如唔好出啦
電磁鐵 2020-5-19 18:05:38 習慣俾撚就可以了
躑躅森盧笙 2020-5-19 18:09:44 此回覆已被刪除
眼鏡蛇 2020-5-20 00:40:13 因為習慣咗無期望
霹靂古達 2020-5-20 00:59:19 準備轉會好過
Emre_C 2020-5-20 01:41:40 7 plus
躑躅森盧笙 2020-5-20 04:19:55 此回覆已被刪除
Medicom 2020-5-20 05:59:08 分分鐘pixel 4a賣得都未到8.3出現
不起眼的兔女郎 2020-5-20 11:20:58 https://www.securitynewspaper.com/2019/03/21/some-nokia-smartphones-include-a-backdoor-that-sends-data-to-servers-in-china/

依單係OLD NEWS 不過 真心想問, 係咪依家NOKIA 都係大陸牌了? (會有後門)
我仲諗住NOKIA 唔會驚BACKDOOR 好似國產機,

想問有冇C 兄解答到...

依個會好影響再買唔買NOKIA 機
雪舒人 2020-5-20 12:09:14 19年3月...


另外好似講有server link 大陸
之後都改左link 芬蘭(?)



eunjungbaby 2020-5-20 12:23:46 搜尋結果
Now, HMD Global is transferring the servers from Singapore to Hamina, Finland. ... HMD Global, in its official press statement, said the new Nokia 4.2, Nokia 3.2, and the Nokia 2.2 will be the first set of devices to begin storing their data at the new center.2019年6月18日


A few months ago, there was a report that the Nokia 7 Plus was sending user data to China. HMD Global released an official statement to clarify that it wasn’t sharing user data with third parties but that the data being sent to China was device activation data.

They did say that shouldn’t have happened in the first place as Nokia devices sold outside China have their device activation data sent to servers in a different location (Singapore). However, a certain batch of the Nokia 7 Plus was mistakenly pre-installed with the device activation client for China which led to the user data going to the Chinese servers in the first place.

Editor’s Pick: China’s Changxin set to produce first locally designed DRAM chip
Now, HMD Global is transferring the servers from Singapore to Hamina, Finland. It is partnering with CGI, a consultancy firm with expertise in cloud and data science, and Google Cloud (data analytics and machine learning technologies) to move and store the phone activation and performance data to the Google Cloud Region in Hamina.

HMD Global, in its official press statement, said the new Nokia 4.2, Nokia 3.2, and the Nokia 2.2 will be the first set of devices to begin storing their data at the new center. Older devices that are eligible to be upgraded to Android Q will have their data migrated to the new center after the Android Q update which begins later this year and ends in 2020.
三花狗 2020-5-20 14:52:55 8.1 有May security update
碧水劍 2020-5-20 20:34:38 無錯 個時話搬返芬蘭
大地在我腳下 2020-5-21 00:55:00 Nokia 5.3 007 Kevlar 保護殼開箱
眼鏡蛇 2020-5-21 01:42:57 HMD基本上已經撤出支那市場,上年7.2、6.2都已經無咗支那版只有國際版

同埋都將data放去芬蘭google cloud
司徒馬車 2020-5-21 07:41:43
Basara 2020-5-21 08:02:14 有冇人用nokia 9呢幾日部機好快好熱同冇電
眼鏡蛇 2020-5-21 08:16:06 唔係不嬲都係咁咩
Basara 2020-5-21 08:51:41 呢個星期特別誇張
不起眼的兔女郎 2020-5-21 10:30:15 C HING 買左邊隻PIXEL, 同埋好似Android one 機唔俾用sd 卡 儲app個d 64gb 會好唔夠用


司徒馬車 2020-5-21 10:39:18 p4 64gb,暫時都夠用,但電量相比7plus有啲細

sd card唔係Android One唔俾用
迫你買Google Drive
澳洲打飛機師 2020-5-21 10:50:37 想入nokia5.3 但未試過手感 想問下邊度有現貨?
大地在我腳下 2020-5-21 11:05:47 大舖
我篤尿仲黃 2020-5-21 11:19:44 豐澤