2020-5-21 23:36:10
「It’s a Match! You and Gloria have liked each other!」我swipe完就即刻彈咗兩行字出黎。老實講,有啲喜出望外嘅,原來呀Joy都好我哩type哈哈
「Hi Gloria, are you from Australia?」我決定試探下,第一句講Australia係講俾佢聽,我望張相大概知你係邊,提前引起共鳴;比起白撞亂hi人,成功率會相對高啲
仲記得我個坡妹friend係資深Tinder用家,同我講過「I use Tinder for 3 years leh, actually I won’t give a shit if just simply put an “Hi” there, unless handsome or muscular guy lah; Try to look for some clues from my display photos and if I feel that you are the right one, yours will be placed in the right place
「 Well, kinda. I studied in Sydney yet originally from HK hahahaha」居然係我swipe到第十日終於swipe到一個同鄉
「really? I am also from HK and now in Dubai」我即刻認親認戚