龍志權 2020-5-30 16:28:57 買支結他 之後搵個老師上堂


連登煩膠 2020-5-30 16:43:21 但驚自己三分鐘熱度 係咪最好上堂試下先
我甚麼都不是 2020-5-30 17:37:07 驚自己三分鐘熱度有兩個玩法
一係就俾多啲錢買枝貴啲靚啲結他 等自己唔會咁易放棄
一係就唔好買結他 問身邊有玩開有多咗枝嘅朋友借住枝用住先
有冇牛油 2020-5-30 23:54:24 流行曲得幾個chord自學都得啦
全職睹撚二世 2020-5-31 12:07:18 覺得彈結他好on9

Satch 2020-5-31 12:35:23 其實而家係咪好少人用amp 多數都係multi effect+monitor?
自己唔太熟呢種setup 好似好麻煩咁
同埋multi effect出嚟嘅聲會唔會好digital聲
二噁英叉蛋飯 2020-5-31 13:02:40 屌 有冇清間房/屋都好濕
啱啱閂冷氣落街 返黎成枝結起水珠 濕撚晒
二噁英叉蛋飯 2020-5-31 13:02:58 我唔知 我都仲學緊
鳩橋涼介 2020-5-31 15:26:12 同你一樣 對枝結他有冇影響?
二噁英叉蛋飯 2020-5-31 15:32:42 有就實有
Satch 2020-5-31 16:42:04 我平時屋企都係好潮濕
唯有唔彈嗰陣收返入袋 袋入面擺晒吸濕/平衡濕度嘅嘢
我冇用抽濕機 因為濕氣係空氣嚟 抽完又會再濕過 作用好似不大
但係如果你濕氣係冷氣熄咗而有 係咪抽一抽會好啲?



二噁英叉蛋飯 2020-5-31 18:21:58 有冇咩擺入袋吸濕嘅推介下?
龍志權 2020-5-31 19:37:44 好多都有賣d 吸濕包
Satch 2020-5-31 20:52:04 都係擺樂器用嗰啲防潮包
巨浪大切黑椒味 2020-6-1 00:58:52 小林信一嘅地獄結他有冇邊本話適合啱開始練速彈嘅結他手,主要想練左右手協調
唔講嘢啦 2020-6-1 09:25:04 最近衝咗hs5駁 scarlett 2i2 駁 gt100
聲就唔差,因為multi 有哂preamp, cab sim, power amp
如果係kemper/fractal 就掂哂

不過唔知點解錄出黎嘅聲同direct mon嘅聲有分别,錄出黎嘅聲無咁清,少少distorted咗,
傑克阿叔 2020-6-1 09:44:15

傑克阿叔 2020-6-1 09:48:28 選你自己想學的歌去學,先訂目標彈到你想學的歌先。
龍志權 2020-6-1 12:57:08 input 太大搞到爆左?
做愛不單行 2020-6-1 15:42:54 近排冇乜錢所以2500衝左對二手hs5 先發現通利而家做緊特價29xx就有一對
prokofiev 2020-6-1 17:13:54 My friend Susannah is a flute teacher. She didn't go to Peter's masterclass the other day because she has so much work to do that she couldn't make it and nor did Jason and I. Susannah didn't go to the masterclass, nor did she attend Peter's concert. Because of work, Andrew and I didn't attend his concert, neither did we go to his masterclass.


prokofiev 2020-6-1 17:19:32 I didn't attend Peter's masterclass nor his concert because I got work to do. Jason was so busy that he couldn't make it and neither could Susanna and her brother. We attended neither his masterclass nor his concert. Neither Celine, Susannah, Shirley nor I attended his masterclass and concert.
prokofiev 2020-6-1 17:55:15 We went to neither her concert, masterclass nor party. Neither I, Susanna, Shirley nor my brother attended her concert, masterclass and party.
保安全面進場 2020-6-1 18:58:47 幾時訂同幾錢?好似幾吸引
做愛不單行 2020-6-1 19:48:54 早幾日訂 $36xx
我就咁睇好似就真係幾吸引 尤其是我唔使用到helix嗰啲咁Pro