星光睡美人 2020-10-1 01:54:17 新手買邊支好
最好輕身少少 女仔用

暫時睇啱fender hss


占咪心 2020-10-1 16:06:13 Ibanez 感覺好似輕身少少? 不過都要續支拎下先知
fender多alder未必輕得去邊, 我支custom shop重到絕育
刀筆客 2020-10-1 23:07:47 此回覆已被刪除
刀筆客 2020-10-1 23:15:39 此回覆已被刪除
prokofiev 2020-10-2 15:11:06 I'm a guitarist. Over the past few years, I've performed in concerts several times which have received widespread critical acclaim in the press. If the coronavirus disappears next year, I'll have recitals. If you're free then, you're more than welcome to come see. I graduated with a master's in guitar performance from a music conservatory in London. While studying there, I performed frequently in festivals, concert halls in many universities and cathedrals. Recently, I was interviewed on a news television channel for the first time to promote my concert. I was a little nervous since it was my first time being interviewed on TV but I enjoyed it. Besides performing, I do guitar accompaniment so I always have rehearsals with violists, French hornists, flutists, oboist, etc. And I also teach guitar but I only teach the talented ones because sone of the students are forced by their parents to learn the guitar which they aren't really interested in learning. They don't do much practice. Do you play any sports? I'm a gym lover. I go to the gym three to four times a week. I woukd say I'm lean and strong. I don't wanna be too big like a bodybuilder because if I were, I'd be so clumsy and my hands and fingers wouldn't be nimble enough to play the guitar. I also enjoy hiking and playing basketball. Maybe you can be my hiking buddy. Have you seen any movies lately?
占咪心 2020-10-2 17:42:27
老蛋仔 2020-10-2 21:37:10 新手黎講 買下面呢隻抵唔抵屌
Fender Squier Affinity Series Stratocaster
Fender Squier Affinity Series Telecaster
琴行係咪會有埋線+amp set好比你地試
刀筆客 2020-10-3 05:02:55 此回覆已被刪除
占咪心 2020-10-3 11:01:05 affinity好多靚色, 又平
正就真係冇佢份, 但我覺得平同靚

會插, 有埋, 要自己Set

占咪心 2020-10-3 11:01:40 咁大鑊...我好似未試過中copyright
刀筆客 2020-10-3 13:23:39 此回覆已被刪除


老蛋仔 2020-10-3 14:06:16 十仆
占咪心 2020-10-5 10:46:35 你Line in定就咁電話收音?
占咪心 2020-10-5 10:47:00 等我唸下可以去邊間先拍先
刀筆客 2020-10-5 11:01:36 此回覆已被刪除
蕭盡 2020-10-6 02:30:20 點睇gt1000core?
Peter_Pan 2020-10-6 14:55:13 占西教練覆whatsapp未
重逢在這蒼穹 2020-10-6 15:01:18 睇你aim玩咩類型。Ibanez全能,Tele 最簡潔無花巧嘢,prs se 都好不過重啲
東升耀揚 2020-10-6 21:38:16 新手玩左一排個上琴枕就爛咗

去過通利問都冇得買,想問吓邊度先有得買?同埋係咪每部結他個琴枕size 都唔同 ?
巨浪大切黑椒味 2020-10-7 08:02:15 rip Eddie
申留真x名井南 2020-10-7 09:39:52 RIP


申留真x名井南 2020-10-7 09:40:22 一大早就見到Van Halen passed away ge News

唐田えりか 2020-10-7 17:19:20 如果介意重量 你應該去鋪頭試左先
Sunshine00 2020-10-7 17:33:30 我也是5級跳8級過來人,要花D時間同功夫
哈姆太郎(47歲) 2020-10-8 00:47:47 跪求

天琦cover十八 第一句 去到「困憂」個位其實係咩chord

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