prokofiev 2020-6-12 18:23:49 Last year, my Japanese friend Keita and I visited an art museum where we looked at every huge nineteenth-century oil painting in the museum in minute detail for fear of miss ant wonderful things. He'll be throwing a party at a hotel instead of his place for fear that they might disturb his neighbors.


肚餓食飯 2020-6-12 22:45:05 通常一年,or 兩年,因為讀語言學校最多只可讀兩年,而申請在留資格,每年續同 一定要有學校俾你讀一年先得。

所以你讀左年半後,剩返個半年,批唔到在留資格俾你。 除非有大專收or 有工作簽證。
島村抱月 2020-6-14 15:11:04 今日東京又47件 睇黎有排都未玩完
星空がきれい♥ 2020-6-14 20:33:00 そのうち18人が新宿区内の「夜の街」にある同じ店での感染だという。また、5人は集団感染が起きている武蔵野中央病院

島村抱月 2020-6-14 20:37:15 好似係牛郎?
星空がきれい♥ 2020-6-15 23:13:22 東京都内の感染者は48人で、14日の47人に続き、2日連続で40人を上回りました。20代と30代の若い人が37人と7割を超えています。


連登人登高 2020-6-26 21:49:06 推下tg 谷
零時迷子 2020-6-28 22:35:01

嚟咗5年 鄉下讀大學 依家喺東京做野
btw 下個月4連休 有無人想去玩
prokofiev 2020-7-1 16:50:40 My Japanese friend Rika is on her period so she cannot have cold drinks, coffee, tomatoes and ice cream right now. Her aunt flow is visiting. She has bad stomach cramps right now so she's taken a day of menstrual leave. Her sister too feels bloated which means her period is gonna come soon. She's had painful cramps lately too but her period is late this month; it's a week late. She's being so emotional today as it's that time of the period again. Her cousin Shirley missed her period so she might be pregnant. Her cousin's husband did his leg workout this afternoon during which he overtrained his quadriceps, hamstrings and calves so he's had cramp in his legs and left foot. Rika's brother will be going to a party at the weekend but I won't be going with him in case I cramp his style. I don't wanna put any pressure on him that would cramp his style. I don't want him to be under pressure which would cramp his style.
熊仔傳心師 2020-7-1 17:00:46 1年6個月都成25萬到30萬
一銃線 2020-7-2 15:18:49


熊本能本能 2020-7-2 15:28:44 想問巴打諗住報邊間語言學校,我都係下年4月去,好驚到時未解封
#!@#$%^ 2020-7-2 17:50:49 此回覆已被刪除
口罩(無貨) 2020-7-2 18:08:35
P機之星 2020-7-2 18:39:36 你上d學校網睇下學費 再自己加埋生活費雜費
P機之星 2020-7-2 18:40:23 10月都唔知去唔去到
島村抱月 2020-7-2 19:15:13 慳慳地冇咁多
島村抱月 2020-7-2 19:16:22 仆街日本仔叫少陣雞出少陣街好似會死咁
kurayami 2020-7-2 21:01:37 歌舞伎町個班友
島村抱月 2020-7-2 22:15:24 岩岩睇小池都話最多20代30代 琴日新聞仲話80%30代以下 仲話復課 岩岩睇叫雞果班仲要係兩班黎 一邊池袋一邊新宿每邊十幾個 真係死得
堀北真希2 2020-7-3 17:14:27 而家係牛廊店喎,應該叫大媽叫少陣鴨


島村抱月 2020-7-3 17:23:31 日本仔都瘋狂去girls bar
平安京的小眼睛 2020-7-3 20:20:42 望住東京連續兩日過百人感染
島村抱月 2020-7-4 08:42:00 懷疑佢地弱智 小池仲排緊人氣榜第一名
mlaa 2020-7-4 20:59:34 我本身自己自學+睇日文twitter/matome/yahoo jp, 同打game (逆轉, steinsgate)過左好幾年, 而家想不如正式鋤教材考下N乜咁啦....

呢個"日本語能力試験の問題例 https://www.jlpt.jp/samples/forlearners.html" 準唔準架?
係個問題例入面個十幾條岩幾多, 放返落呢個合格率度有冇參考性架?

得点範囲 合格点: N1 0~180点 100点. N2 0~180点 90点. N3 0~180点 95点