KIWI 2020-8-15 22:05:06 大概搵到原因點解i-eloop唔識差:
Reference :

Final update!

Yes, these i-Eloop cars electrical system is very different than what we would call normal! The Mazda dealer has a special battery charger just for these systems!
Yes, my battery was not charging correctly. When my battery died over a week (cause still unknown) of non use, my hooking up a standard battery charger and charging it overnight may have brought it up enough to start and drive everyday but no where near a "full charge".
The dealer had to pull my battery and put it in a big vat of water, pull the caps, and charge it at a rate of 75 Amps for 5 straight hours! Yes, you read that right. 75 Amps for 5 hours! I pick up the car today and will try to get a pic of the charger they used.

If anyone has a i-Eloop car with a dead battery or a display that only goes to 3 bars (charging) and one bar (capacitor storage) you can not hook up a normal charger to it. You need to just jump the car (like normal) and drive it till it charges or have it towed to your local dealer for proper charging.

Some causes and symptoms for others having this problem:

Testing your battery with a standard battery tester (digital) my show your battery is charged, it may not be! Mine read good at the dealer with a regular tester. Only the Mazda OBD tester can test the "State of Charge". Mine was 16-18% but started and drove fine.

If your car load is over 50 Amps, you capacitor will not charge.

If the temp is below freezing it wont charge, not sure if that means capacitor temp or outside air temp.
EDIT! This car will in fact charge when below 32*!

Battery condition is less than 65%

Instrument cluster fault

DC-DC converter malfunction

Link to a portion of the shop manual we used to diagnose this:

Capacitor info: disposal manual.pdf

Battery info:

所以我揸多左幾日 依家見到i-eloop識差番上去


LongTail 2020-8-15 22:18:26 出車前有冇熄到start stop?
食完你未 2020-8-15 22:24:36 好似冇熄到
之前有試過唔記得熄i stop都冇呢個問題
mugennn 2020-8-16 07:30:00 後排空間大唔大
你好野我地走 2020-8-16 07:57:55 大就一定講唔上 不過我覺得夠用 最好坐4個
吟遊詩人 2020-8-16 09:47:57 今日去showroom睇下囉
mugennn 2020-8-16 10:51:51 約左呢幾日內去睇啊
唯一出路 2020-8-16 14:53:03 Ching 架車幾時到香港
你好野我地走 2020-8-16 14:53:39 話最快10月尾
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PlayStation5 2020-8-16 15:45:32


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吟遊詩人 2020-8-16 18:13:46 暫時得左軚
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哇哇哇打到黎 2020-8-16 20:14:59 紅色貴8000呀
Condom手足 2020-8-16 20:50:46 想問下3代萬3師兄們
Mrwhy 2020-8-16 21:26:18

柴六換cx8 應該得我一個


G觸者頻亦樂 2020-8-16 21:27:56 柴6呢啲絕版貨都捨得賣?真係唔夠用?
G觸者頻亦樂 2020-8-16 21:34:14 其實好抵玩
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G觸者頻亦樂 2020-8-16 21:46:02 咪係