Olympus/Panasonic M43 用家討論區 (16) 150400TC賣幾錢?
艶娘幻夢譚 2020-6-21 19:17:09 差唔多 不過要食稅 又無水貨



吳小森 2020-6-21 21:38:57 香港都有啦
艶娘幻夢譚 2020-6-21 22:35:19 要郊外先少啲光污染
Recoba@Inter 2020-6-21 22:46:03 去到東霸先得
果時過一晚夜熱死 但成晚 都過百粒星 超撚正呀
工程新力量 2020-6-21 23:03:37 終於影到

垃圾多失廢青 2020-6-21 23:45:37 依家東壩都有人話多船嘅光污染影唔到
丸走睪飛(一粒) 2020-6-22 00:59:47

Livecomp除左啱懶人 仲會有啲後期執唔到嘅效果
唔係呱 2020-6-22 11:57:37 想問o記16合1影高解

艶娘幻夢譚 2020-6-22 15:11:01 巴打又分享吓location 同settings
咁就一日喇 2020-6-23 14:16:13

劇場渋滞中 2020-6-24 15:31:10 https://www.43rumors.com/it-happened-olympus-sold-the-imaging-business-to-jip/
This is a news that changes everything. Olympus sold the camera business to JIP. And JIP will continue the Micro Four Thirds business as usual. Here is the press text:

News Release
Company: Olympus Corporation Yasuo Takeuchi, Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO (Code: 7733, First Section, Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Company: Japan Industrial Partners, Inc. Hidemi Moue, CEO

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding for Divestiture of Imaging Business

Olympus Corporation (“Olympus”) and Japan Industrial Partners, Inc. (“JIP”) hereby announce that, today, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding to carveout Olympus’s Imaging business to a new company (“NewCo”) and subsequently transfer its shares to a fund managed, operated or otherwise handled by JIP (the “Transaction”).
After the due diligence and further discussions and negotiations, the parties are aiming to sign a legally- binding definitive agreement for the Transaction (the “Definitive Agreement”) by September 30, 2020. We will promptly make further announcement if any matters relating to the Transaction that needs further announcement occur.


走青 2020-6-24 16:34:36 OM 末日
劇場渋滞中 2020-6-24 16:37:17 https://av.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1261183.html

Guideway_Bus 2020-6-24 17:02:58 Olympus m43 相機牌子,應該非正式稱為「JIP Olympus」
工口大gg 2020-6-24 17:12:59 JIP 只係幫手重組業務,名都沒叫new Co,簡單只係份拆先,未知or未有真買家
5️⃣7️⃣ 2020-6-24 17:57:26 150400仲賣唔賣
垃圾多失廢青 2020-6-24 18:16:36 仲要依排rumors話OM新reg左部機
單車撚 2020-6-24 18:39:44 Om 都賣盤 .. m43 係唔係正式收皮
高登討論區 2020-6-24 19:00:59 此回覆已被刪除
咁就一日喇 2020-6-24 19:17:49 上年100週年大搞有聲有色
Guideway_Bus 2020-6-24 20:07:18 同APS-C 無反相機品牌直接競爭,而且佢哋都有埋光學防震及拍片功能


垃圾多失廢青 2020-6-24 20:17:00 低價收購3支1.2
咁就一日喇 2020-6-24 20:19:30 簡單一句 底大壓死人
case close
青蛙王子+ 2020-6-24 20:26:24 係咪要出去搶返部pen F, 之前仲吹出mk2
Guideway_Bus 2020-6-24 20:27:19 睇定D先