prokofiev 2020-8-17 10:10:33 Do you have the white t-shirt underneath the Hawaii shirt in large size? I'm a large size in shirts whereas my cousin generally wears a medium size. However, i would like to try a large size and an extra large size on for size.


prokofiev 2020-8-17 16:19:57 The swim shorts or swim trunks or swimming trunks🩳 in Hollister come in six sizes: extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Its blazers come in many sizes. This beige blazer is the wrong size. It isn't my size. It isn't my cousin's size either. This blazer is a size thirty three. Do you have it in size forty? I generally wear a size forty in blazers whereas my cousin is a size thirty six. However, I'd like to try a size thirty eight blazer and a size forty on for size. If both blazers aren't my size, can it be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get it cut to size elsewhere. What's your size blazer? What size swim briefs or speedos do your brother take? What size swimsuit or bathing suit is your sister? My friend Susannah wants to try this tankini in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because she thinks it's two sizes too small? She needs a bigger size. My sister has tried this tankini on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the swim trunks in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. Susannah is a large size in bikini 👙and tankini and wears a medium size in swim suit or bathing suit. She takes size nine in flats while I'm a size nine and a half in shoes. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over eight hundred dollars 💵💰💳🧾in s single transaction, you get a pocket-size mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make my friend Celine, a gift 🎁of a blouse👚, a bikini👙, a tankini, a swimsuit and a pair of mom jeans 👖along with the pocket-size mirror.
有心仁 2020-8-20 19:25:03
火燒連環臀 2020-8-24 22:37:14
精氣神嗌外賣 2020-8-25 00:30:57 小弟出去影示威例牌係Uniqlo Dry Polo 或 Linen Polo


Happy420 2020-8-25 00:36:16 如果去餐廳食飯都可以,去玩就同款短裙會好啲
鳩嗡的你凍嗎? 2020-8-25 00:37:18 就到生日,但食唔到晚市,molamola
Happy420 2020-8-25 00:38:35 去酒店玩
鳩嗡的你凍嗎? 2020-8-25 00:39:05 唔係太敢
火燒連環臀 2020-8-25 09:43:12

所以我都覺得有快乾功能架Polo ,你不停出入室內室外係真係無咁熱同焗。
有心仁 2020-8-26 16:26:13


火燒連環臀 2020-8-27 15:56:56
哈爾肥過城堡 2020-9-10 21:04:05
哈爾肥過城堡 2020-9-10 21:04:55
有心仁 2020-9-12 22:04:17 推一推
無核牛油果 2020-9-12 22:42:04
sohodd 2020-9-12 23:42:55
無核牛油果 2020-9-13 00:56:37
xpxviii. 2020-9-13 01:23:13
無核牛油果 2020-9-13 01:51:45
一振夫綱 2020-9-13 02:00:00 夏威夷恤著左好幾年 都唔算少人著


sohodd 2020-9-13 09:34:31 https://tw.appledaily.com/international/20191104/C4G4DQ5SICQKNNOYDO5U57Z7WU/

無核牛油果 2020-9-13 10:34:43 哇屌 睇黎要搵下替代品
火燒連環臀 2020-9-13 13:40:56
哈爾肥過城堡 2020-9-13 13:58:00