港鐵前線係黃 2020-8-6 20:51:10 行MK都話無人著?

就算唔出街 喺ig都見到啲o靚仔o靚妹著啦吓嘛

仲話香港人好悶 你有冇真係出過街?


大王子小王子 2020-8-6 21:00:58 黎緊呢個星期我會去mk

港鐵前線係黃 2020-8-6 21:16:49 不過其實夏威夷恤都好似已經興完......
路爾斯蘭尼 2020-8-6 22:25:10 乜興完咩 唔覺
襯返年白tee就出街 唔洗諗幾爽
有心仁 2020-8-6 22:29:15 盡量唔好衫同褲都係深色
火燒連環臀 2020-8-6 23:57:43 我見都唔少人著
返景入森林 2020-8-7 02:38:15
鳩嗡的你凍嗎? 2020-8-14 00:21:47 男仔覺得呢條裙點?

old_penis 2020-8-14 01:49:35 yr face yr body yr fate
宋子傑 2020-8-14 02:23:29 冇問題
鳩嗡的你凍嗎? 2020-8-14 10:00:28 咁要叫佢唔好太hea


prokofiev 2020-8-14 18:39:57 背心加短褲
The t-shirts 👕in Hollister come in six sizes: extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Their chinos come in many sizes. These chinos are the wrong size. They aren't my size. They aren't my cousin's size either. These khaki chinos are size thirty eight. Do you have these trousers 👖in a size thirty one? I take size thirty one in chinos whereas my cousin is size thirty five in trousers 👖. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair of chinos and a size thirty two pair on for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If npt, I'll need to get them cut to size elsewhere. What's your size? What skirt size does your cousin take? What shoe size is your cousin's husband? I wanna try this shirt 👔in a smaller size. Do you have it in a smaller size because I think it's one size too big? I need a smaller size. My brother's tried it on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the sky blue chinos in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Celine takes a size six in skirts and a size nine in shoes 🥿. She's a medium size in t-shirts while I generally wear a large size. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over four hundred and eighty dollars 💵in a single transaction, you get a pocket-size mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Celine a gift 🎁of a blouse 👚and a pair of denim shorts 🩳along with the pocket-sized mirror.
肥婆分割技術員 2020-8-16 14:40:45 周街都係

大王子小王子 2020-8-16 14:41:45 上星期去mk係冇人咁著
青頭仔喵喵叫 2020-8-16 18:02:42 夏天先買咗件Burberry 乾濕褸
路爾斯蘭尼 2020-8-16 19:31:50 仲好講h&m,先唔講黃藍
屌你啲衫質素差到 design又柒
大王子小王子 2020-8-16 22:33:21 而家d時裝係咁
路爾斯蘭尼 2020-8-16 22:35:38 我明白fast fashion係咁
但唔係做到h&m咁低質 件件tee都又薄又wir
U記其實做得好好多 多聯乘款同多啲design
牛肉乾 2020-8-16 23:16:27 Sor料好可以著廿年都好依然都係會keep住買新
prokofiev 2020-8-17 09:40:28 Do you have the blazer in size forty? I'm a size forty in blazers whereas my cousin's husband takes size forty four in them. I would like to try a size thirty eight blazer and a size forty blazer on for size.
prokofiev 2020-8-17 09:46:13 Do you have the white shirt in the first picture in medium size? I'm a medium size in shirts while my cousin's husband takes extra large in shorts. However, I wanna try a medium size shirt and a large size one on for size.


prokofiev 2020-8-17 09:48:34 Do you have the brown suit jacket in the first picture in size thirty eight? I take size thirty eight in suit jackets while my brother is a size forty six in them. However, I wanna try a size thirty eight suit jacket and a size forty on for size.
prokofiev 2020-8-17 09:51:22 Do you have the brown pants in the second picture in size thirty one? I generally wear a size thirty one in pants whereas my cousin's husband takes size thirty five in them. I wanna try a size thirty one pair and a size forty pair on for size.
prokofiev 2020-8-17 09:54:09 I like Hollister clothes. Do you have the blue shirt in medium size? I generally take a medium size whereas my cousin's husband wears an extra large size. I wanna try a medium size shirt and a large size for size.
prokofiev 2020-8-17 10:08:57 Do you have this Hawaii shirt in medium size. I wear a medkum size wherras my brother generally takes large size. I wanna try a medium size shirt and a large size for size.